> OMG! HELP!!?


Posted at: 2015-03-12 
so i leik lost mai kees. i dun rember were i put dem. dus ne1 no? im gunna b in such big truble if i cant find dem. mai parants gunna kill me. HELP!

You will find them in the last place you look

Las tym I los me kees, i dun finded dem en me but. I gues I satted on dem.

u sem to hav los thu bility to spel us wel.

and yes people on a website you don't know from Adam are going to know where you left your keys, obviously. I seem to recall a movie quote which went something like "did I'Q's suddenly drop while I was away"

Just go ask your brother the Dorkster where he hid them. (If he's foaming at the mouth, don't ask him without first getting a rabies shot.)

They are right where you left them.

Lok undr the strete lite.

(Funny, your spelling is OK in other questions, you Troll, you.)

You sound like you swallowed them.

so i leik lost mai kees. i dun rember were i put dem. dus ne1 no? im gunna b in such big truble if i cant find dem. mai parants gunna kill me. HELP!