> What's the worst world crisis now, global warming, losing your nipple ring, your tattoo turned out wrong, or your dr

What's the worst world crisis now, global warming, losing your nipple ring, your tattoo turned out wrong, or your dr

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Since, as far as I am concerned, I don't have a nipple ring, or a tattoo (Other than a birthmark). I know there is no such thing as GW. And I don't do drugs. The only real crises that I can think about right now is the ignorance of the greenies and most of our politicians, including judges. When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall in the pit, and they usually that others with them.

Now as far as greenies are concerned the drug dealer raising prices. They will have to go to Soros or Steyer organizations and ask for more money. But they at least will have a roof over their heads as I am sure their mothers won't kick them out of the basements.

OK, the losing your nipple ring, your tattoo turned out wrong, and your drug dealer raised prices all at the same time is NOT a world crisis of any kind. The fact that you even have a nipple ring, tattoo, and a drug dealer is (in my opinion) the worst personal crisis possible.

The Middle-East situation is definitely the most disturbing, with nearly all the countries there embroiled is some sort of political, religous confrontations or outright war, ranging from Yemen to Syria, Palestine to Israel, with even other countries like Iran and Turkey being involved.

global warming doesn't exist, nipple rings are stupid, tattoos are also stupid, as are drugs. I would say that the crisis now is ISIS.

Global warming effects everybody

when you open your front door and it's 800 degrees outside you won't be making jokes . i wonder how much potable water 30 pieces of silver buys ?

religion is the worst crisis on the earth no and has always been so.

Foam much?