> How can global warming lead to an ice age?

How can global warming lead to an ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
no, there will never be another ice age for a long long time.

Flooding does not reflect more sunlight, water has a lower albedo, and anyway ice sheets are not declining, some glaciers may be retreating but they are a very small percentage of Earths surface, Antarctic ice is extending at record levels, Arctic ice is not great but it is in no danger of disappearing, all in all albedo is probably higher.

We are due for another ice age but that could anywhere from tomorrow to 2000yrs time, and anyway they start of slowly.

It cannot, Interglacial periods slowly cool down over 1000's of years until the glacial extent reaches a threshold that summer temperatures cannot overcome, and the glaciers enter a growth stage for hundreds of thousands of years, This interglacial known as the Holocene Interglacial has been around for over 10,000 years and has been slowly cooling, with numerous oscillations between very warm and cold. It probably will not last another 1000 years.

Global warming ended 11/28/2012. Have a nice day. Mike

Because the loons pushing the AGW theory are sparing no expense on making it unfalsifiable

No one says it does except denialist idiots

Change in ocean currents due to ice-melt runoff.

There is no global cooling and Earth is not developing into an ice age due to GW That is pure denier BS. The next ice age is not due for at least 15,000 years

The warming leads to increased melting which leads to major flooding, the flooding reflects more sunlight and therefore heat energy too, thus eventually cooling the Earth and initiating an ice age.