> Someone please write me a small, very emotional paragraph of the global warming and pollution in our world?

Someone please write me a small, very emotional paragraph of the global warming and pollution in our world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That is all that you will get on this site from the greenies is emotion. There will never be any facts. If there are they can be easily disputed by the unemotional contributors on this site.

You can readily see that AGW is a political issue, rather than a scientific issue. And as a political issue the proponents crank out PR campaigns rather than science.

Quote by Jim Sibbison, environmental journalist, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

So yes that is what it is about. Whip the public into a frenzy rather than deal with logic and science. That is the proven formula.

Quote by Stephen Schneider, Stanford Univ., environmentalist: "That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have."

This is the same method Goebbels did to sell Natzism to the German public.

By this you are insulting the intelligence of your audience. In effect, you are saying, "You are too stupid to comprehend the complexities of this matter, so, I will appeal to your emotions."

That is intellectually dishonest, and you have to admit it. Your last sentence says it all, "If possible add some facts." In effect you are saying, "Emotions are more important than facts."

Is that respectful of your audience?

Now let us analyse your request.

1. " global warming is increasing" It is not increasing. Undeniably, the fact is that the Earth has been cooling for over a decade.


Even the two most outstanding authorities, according to the environmentalists, James Hansen and Phil Jones, have reluctantly admitted to this.

2. "pollution is rising" That depends on what you call pollution. If you call CO2 a pollutant, for instance, you would be wrong. Scientifically CO2 is a plant food, not a pollutant.

3. "climate change is more frequent"

A. The UN-IPCC was established about 25 years ago. Climate change officially has to have thirty years of change before it can be called climate change. There can be no documentation as to Climate Change as of yet.

B. Climate Change has never been defined in a legal or scientific method. So how do you know if there is any climate change, let alone more frequently? By the news media we get 'this is happening ' and that is happening' and they all mean that climate change is happening. It could be as simple as the geese are flying East to West, and that means climate change. That really is very scientific, isn't it.

C. Climates have changed in the past, even before man came into an industrial age. Once Chicago was under ice. Same with Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota.

All I am saying is, be honest with your audience.

Do your research but don't believe everything you read. The fact is that co2 has nothing to do with Global Warming and the fact that some people are arrogant enough to think that humans could cause the temperatures to increase significantly if at all is outrageous. Contrary to what Mr. Gore has convinced you all to believe, the Earth goes through natural warming and cooling cycles which has been proven. In fact the, the Earth has been cooling for the past 10 years. If you really do your research to find out the truth you may find that we have been spoon fed an Inconvenient Lie.

Global warming is cause by human actions like deforestation and continuation of burning. Fossil fuels which makes the atmosphere even warmer. Even by 1% many animals that live in the cold are affected Examples the sea turtle, where temperature base sex, if cold male, if warm female, since the temperature rises there more female than male, so most of the female can't mate. Deforestation with less tree, there will be less trees to absorb the carbon dioxide, therefore the temperature bound to increase. If deforestation continues many habitat are also destroy forcing to leave or evolve to fit the current temperature, if not there animals affected are most likely to die.

Global warming is caused by excess carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is getting thicker in the atmosphere and is sucking up the heat. Our carbon dioxide levels are higher than ever because we are cutting down more trees. This increases carbon dioxide because trees take carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, without trees the carbon dioxide is building up. Factories are also polluting the air and adding carbon dioxide. Burning fossil fuels and oil also polite the air.

You are going to be like a piece of bacon in a skillet, slowly cooking.

Unless you send money to Al.

You... really should do your own homework.

Here are a few sources that might help:







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

There has been no warming for 15yrs now, and in fact the last ten years have been slightly cooler. why does everyone get emotional about something that's not happening?

We're doomed!

doing a speech and need to include a small paragraph on our world currently. Where global warming is increasing, pollution is rising, climate change is more frequent. If possible add some facts.
