> Global Warming Attention Grabber?

Global Warming Attention Grabber?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i need a attention grabber about global warming is human cause.. can you guys help me? please?

People who like to deny that there is any warming, or that it's not serious, or whatever, keep saying that scientists are changing their minds and now saying that earth is not warming. That's not true.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."

Every single science academy, from every single industrialized country.

Including the USA.

No exceptions.

None have changed their minds.

It's really easy to make stuff up. To tell a lie.

It's far more work to show that any specific lie really is a lie.

Those who want to deny global warming have it much easier.

They just make up their "facts" as they find convenient.

Edit: Do you find it interesting that the AGW deniers say you should tell lies, while those of us who are concerned about global warming say you should tell the truth?

Just start screaming, "We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die!" like a freaking lunatic. That's what the AGW cultists have been doing for decades.

Start Screaming

The best way I know is to lie and pull $hit out your a$$. Say whaterver you want it's all lies anyway. Hope this helped.

Just make up something bad, and say it will be caused by global warming. Such as massive earthquakes.

The Fossil Fuel industry protecting their interests,

Conservative Think Tanks, sucking up their money because of the fear of global treaties,

And people believing that God will keep the Earth benign, are all putting out propaganda.

The propaganda is so sophisticated, and so many people lack good reasoning, that the propaganda is largely successful in discrediting 30,000 scientists, not one of which has blown a whistle about fraud.

? Rising sea-levels threaten many coastal communities. Amongst the cities at risk are New York, Miami, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Bangkok, Copenhagen and Venice. Island nations are at risk including the Maldives, Kiribati, Galapagos, Cook Islands and Tuvalu.

? The world is warmer now that at any time since at least the last but one ice-age. Global temperatures peaks about 10,000 years ago after the last ice-age ended. Since then the planet has gradually cooled as we move toward the next ice-age (a long way off). All of that cooling and more has been undone by global warming in recent decades.

? The Arctic is shrinking fast. Each summer there used to be about 11 million km2 of ice remaining (in the 100 years to 1970 the average was 10,885,127km2), since 1970 it’s been less than nine million, in the last ten years just eight million. On 18 September 2012 it reached it’s lowest ever extent at just over 3 million km2.

? Every one of the hottest years on record has occurred recently. The ten hottest years are: 2010, 2005, 1998, 2014 (to date), 2007, 2013, 2009, 2003, 2002, 2006 and 2012 (if you exclude the current year from the top 10). The last 20 years contain 19 of the hottest years on record (1996 is the exception, this lies in 22nd place). The global records date back to 1850. Probability of this happening by chance – about four quintillion to one against (a quintillion is a million billion or a thousand trillion).

? Not a single scientific organisation on Earth disputes that humans are causing global warming. It doesn’t matter whether such organisations are national or international nor whether they are connected to climate change or not, not one of them disputes that we’re affecting the climate.

"More CO2 is turning the planet greener". Oh wait, that's a good thing. "Less people than ever are dying from natural disasters." Oh, no. No one wants to hear that. "Global crop production is at an all time high." No, that's a good thing too.

I don't know. Just make something up like "The sea level will rise 200 feet by 2020". When 2020 comes and goes without any alarming sea level rise just say :"The sea level will rise 200 feet by 2040."

Attention Grabbers:

'The claim that 97% of scientists agree that Man is causing Catastrophic Global Warming, was found to be absolutely false......the result of amateurish, sloppy research."

The claim that every major/significant scientific organization agrees that Man is responsible for Catastrophic Global Warming is also absolutely false. I have yet to see any voting results from the full membership of all of these organizations. Where are the results??!! I suspect that a relatively small group of bureaucratic, pseudo-scientists claiming to represent thousands of legitimate scientists, took it upon themselves to be their mouthpiece for political reasons.

It is proven that the earth is warming. It is also proven that both Jupiter and Mars are warming in parallel with the earth.

Any explanation for the cause of earth's warming must use something other than "coincidence" to explain simultaneously the parallel warming of two other planets in our solar system. "Man-caused global warming" is not going to work on other planets.

i need a attention grabber about global warming is human cause.. can you guys help me? please?