> Is Al Gore a joke or is he the real deal? Read description?

Is Al Gore a joke or is he the real deal? Read description?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I just want some opinions plus I'm actually worried about global warming myself. Really scares me ever since "An Inconvenient Truth". What you guys think?

Remember that when the National Academy of Sciences, speaking for the scientific body itself, tells you about climate they, they are not concerned with Al Gore. When Gilbert Plass submitted the first scientific paper documenting that CO2 was causing the environment to warm in 1955, Al Gore was 7 years old. Gilbert Plass was not concerned with what Al Gore thought.

Al Gore began a lecture series about global warming because he thought it was not being publicized and was an extremely important issue. Al Gore did not claim to be a physicist, he was merely telling people what the science says. Davis Guggenheim saw one of the lectures and agreed the topic needed to be heard, so he made An Inconvenient Truth. It was just the lecture series put to a movie.

I was very surprised by the importance of Inconvenient Truth. Not by the subject matter, but because I did not realize that everyone was not already aware. The effects of CO2 were already well known, or so I thought. This was 50 years, 50 years!!, after Plass' papers. Global warming was well established among people who studied climate prior to Inconvenient Truth.

It was only after the movie that the topic became politicized. There was a deliberate campaign funded by Exxon, and a deliberate documented policy by the GW Bush administration to convince the public that there remained some debate among climatologists as to whether global warming is real. It is a myth that there is such a debate. You will find that the only people who claim there is are extreme and old conservatives who do not understand science and who are still following the teachings of their political and media leaders rather than actually paying attention to the science.

The voice of science is clear. What scientists know and understand, free of the political crap that old uneducated political hacks try to deal you, is available to you from the National Academy of Sciences.

You will note that their discussions of physical sciences do not mention Al Gore.


In my opinion Al Gore only wants your money. Also Global Warming ended, Confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012. Have a nice day. Mike

He is real.

Mind you, I wasn't happy that he pretty much always touted the worst that could happen.

That left him open for criticism.

However global warming is a serious problem.

We still don't see it happening in the real world, but, just like cancer, it will get worse.

This shows a sample, but glaciers all over the world are receding - melting.


If you really want to know. Just find out how Al Gore lives. Then look up the word 'Hypocrisy'

Al Gore is the hero of the Climatistas.

The movie was boring I fell asleep the first time .

Its just poor science fiction

He is the "real deal" if you mean a devoted propagandist and purveyor of climate myth.

He is an embarrassment to everyone except himself.

I just want some opinions plus I'm actually worried about global warming myself. Really scares me ever since "An Inconvenient Truth". What you guys think?