> Is the u.s going green?? if so what is happening to save the planet and stop climate change?

Is the u.s going green?? if so what is happening to save the planet and stop climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Going green" is a relative term; our country can never fully go green, because we can't simply stop burning fossil fuels. Also, just because we are emitting CO2 does not mean the world is going to get warmer. Many other factors can cool our world down, such as vegetation (and many forms of bacteria), condensation, and especially space dissipation (to name a few). These factors contribute to global cooling.

Vegetation and other organisms will naturally contribute to global cooling because they can absorb greenhouse gases such as CO2, water vapor, or methane out of the air and transform it into molecules that are no longer greenhouse gases. By doing so, the earth would be less likely to absorb heat from the sun.

Condensation acts in the same way, but is a lot harder to manipulate. When water vapor condenses into liquid water, or freezes into ice, it no longer acts as a greenhouse gas. This can be a positive feedback loop because the cooler the globe gets, the more condensation happens, which leads to even less heat trapped on earth's surface, ultimately repeating the process.

However, the primary process still responsible for global cooling is space dissipation, where the earth simply radiates heat off into space. If you put a warm object in a vacuum container, it may take a while but the object will get cold eventually. In the same way, the earth will naturally cool down as it moves around in the vacuum of space.

Therefore, as long as we can reduce global warming human processes to the point where the globe cools faster than it warms, then the global cooling processes will dominate and that will stop climate change.

I hope this helped.

The unmistakable evidence is that there are a few that are going green from this AGW scam. Green is the color of money. Ha! Ha! Suckers! (Quote from Al Gore.)

Painting everything green

The global warming crackpots love low information people.