> Which groups of people are effected by global warming? Eg. farmers. Who else?

Which groups of people are effected by global warming? Eg. farmers. Who else?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming ended 11/28/2012 confirmed. Mike

Kim is right in a way, but she has it the wrong way around, with more CO2 plants do not need to transpire too much, so reducing their water consumption and increasing resistance to drought, they also grow faster and stronger.

As far as temperature goes, warming is better, as crops need sufficient growing days, in a cooler climate there may not enough time for seeds to sprout, grow and ripen.

At the moment nearly all crops are at record production, which is a good thing when you consider the stupidity in turning corn into ethanol.


Anyone who eats the food that farmers grow, particularly the poor (who are more affected by food costs). Anyone who lives at or near sea level. Anyone who lives in areas that are affected by heat waves which AGW causes or contributes to. Anyone who lives in areas that are affected by storms which AGW causes or contributes to. And so on.

http://skepticalscience.com/global-warmi... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming. Figure out who would be affected by any of the items on the list.

Anyone who lives where infrastructure can be affected by a foot of sealevel rise is going to be affected within the next 50 years. Underground infratructure, due to repair/replacement costs, needs to be planned for a minimum 100 year life.

Any infrastructure that can be affected by climate shifts also needs to be examined - rails that can buckle in temperaatjujre extremes, reservoirs that are needed because snowpack has been repaced by rainfall, and most port facilities are examples.

Taxpayers......who are forced to finance the criminally fraudulent claim of Catastrophic, Man-caused, Global Warming.

People that live at or below sea level, but remember the effects are not all bad, a rational look at the effects indicates a net good.

ALL people will be affected, because everyone has to eat and drink, and if there's a food shortage due to not having enough water to keep the crops alive, or if the weather changes enough to damage or kill the crops, then there won't be enough food to go around.

At the moment nearly all crops are at record production, which is a good thing when you consider the stupidity in turning corn into ethanol.