> Do Schools brainwashing "Global warming" to students?

Do Schools brainwashing "Global warming" to students?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Considering that so called climate scientists with phd's can't even predict the climate and confess to not fully understanding how the Earth's climate works, then there can never be any justification for teaching this subject below university level, that is unless the motivation is political indoctrination of the young, which seems to be the case in point.

There is a wealth of science which could be taught below university level, proper science, verifiable by classroom experimentation but to teach something which no one in the world understands and sell it as settled science is a very disturbing thing and makes one look with suspicion upon the government education system.

Yes terrible that schools are teaching students to care about the Earth they live in ... what a terrible philosphy to have! Next they be trying to 'brainwash' kids that war is bad or that peace is good!

Also terrible that they are telling us to buy BETTER light globes, BETTER cars, and energy SAVING products. They similarly have 'brainwashed' us by forcing cars to be safer and meet safety standards now ... it is terrible, how dare they do all these things to make a better world for everyone.

They do in the UK. See the link.

@mintie_boy: You are an obvious product of the brainwashing. It has removed your objectivity.

"BETTER light globes, BETTER cars, and energy SAVING products." Means: DIFFERENT light globes, DIFFERENT cars, and products where energy might be saved in one area but be wasted in others or where pollution is reduced in some areas at the expense of others - think rare earth mines to enable the manufacture of powerful magnets for electric motors and generators (see photo).

For instance, the light bulbs accepted by the enviros contain mercury. They are, therefore, much harder to safely dispose of because they contain a poison. If you break one then you have mercury in your house giving off vapour.

At present, hybrid and electric cars are more expensive than fossil fuel ones. This implies that either more parts or more labour is required to build them which also implies that more CO2 is generated in their production. Also, the advice we get is not always the best. Diesel cars used to be flavour of the month because they emitted less CO2 than petrol/gasoline powered ones. Now they realise that they emit more particulates and can increase the incidence of smog and cancer. The City of London in the UK is going to increase its congestion charge (tax) on Diesels as a result.

Safety standards are not always clear cut. One school of thought thinks that accidents will reduce if we all drive cars built like tanks. Others reason that we would be safer if cars were less strong. For instance, if we all drove round in cardboard boxes serious injuries would actually be minimised. Top speeds would be lower and no-one would risk an accident.

Absolutely! For example, at one time it was mandatory for the schools in the UK to be shown Al Gore's movie, "The Inconvenient Truth" which is filled with outright lies and lacking scientific credibility. But yet these fertile minds had pure puke injected into their thought process. It is the greenies stated goal to ultimately indoctrinate (or re-orient) all of mankind and they are starting with innocent school children first.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

Yes schools are brainwashing little kids about man-made Global Warming and of course it is a lie. There simply is no such thing. This scam is nothing but politics and it does not belong in the schools.

There is no global warming. It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & 4.


According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 year.

Funny how people call teaching stuff they agree with education and stuff they don't agree with brainwashing. Teaching evolution is brainwashing to some people and education to others. Teaching global warming is brainwashing to some people and education to others. Teaching the big bang theory is brainwashing to some people and education to others. Etc...

Check out Bill Nye, the Science Guy's article in the science magazine this month and see how much he pushes this, even in the elementary schools.

I don't know much about America but Here in England I remember they taught us global in lessons global warming didn't even come into that was totally random same with rocks ????

I don't think it's considered brainwashing if the material is considered fact.

But of course you don't have to choose to make it better and who knows how much good it would do overall anyways.

Clearly not when I was in school, but I surely don't remember my daughter talking about any of that.

Even in a liberal state like Calif.

Maybe you're having delusional nightmares.

I remember ive been taught SOO much about how bad it is like it was so important. I remember in elementary school, we use to have Assembly's and each grade would SING a song about how we can save the earth. Why? As we got older, they push more global warming down our throats, with videos, and whatever else. Telling us to BUY better light bulbs, BUY better cars. BUY other energy saving products.

This is Brainwashing

They also brainwash people to believe that 1+1=2, 2*2=4 and to "See Dick run!"

If we taught students basic science, reading, writing, and logic we'd have a lot fewer stupid deniers. Unfortunately there are many people that fight students being taught anything--better to keep them stupid, so they're more malleable to politicians and preachers.

Deniers have been brainwashed by phoney studies funded by The Koch Bro and other Corporations


Yes, but generally most will see that reality is not in line with what was predicted. Sea level rise is predicted to be a few feet, maybe a few meters. Not buildings underwater like they were told in school.

By 'brainwashing' I take it you mean EDUCATION.

Maybe you're just jealous as you seem to have missed out.

It's called indoctrination.

Did you know that some of these monsters refuse to accept that the sun revolves around the earth? Crazy climate change propagators.

they even teach things like evolution and the earth not being flat. The horrors of education.

They are, therefore, much harder to safely dispose of because they contain a poison. If you break one then you have mercury in your house giving off vapour.

Depends on the basic humanity.

Deniers do all the brainwashing

democrats and liberals will tell you anything and taxes everything thing, just look at our president

yes I once believed it.