> Will Global Warming ever be accepted by all humanity?

Will Global Warming ever be accepted by all humanity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Or where do you see things going?

No not at all..

It's called 'Climate Disruption' nowadays

Not no, but hell no.

Atmospheric CO2 has always been an effect of temperatures not a cause.


no, some are just stubborn, some are just dumb,

some are just scientifically illiterate

and some are too gullible and swallow anything people like Rush Limbaugh tells them

It already has been. Just not human caused global warming.

The economics say that we'll only see significant change as renewables become enough cheaper than fossil fuels to overcome both costs and legal clout of the largest industry on the planet. Meanwhile, we're going to have to do a lot of research on geoengineering to begin to rectify the damage already done.

Nope! It's currently accepted by a vast majority and that's what is important, but nothing is accepted by all of humanity. The basis of biology is argued in parts of the U.S., a large percentage of the Western world doesn't agree the Earth revolves around the sun, people in developed countries refuse to agree how many days are in a year.

But the vast majority of people are capable of being educated to the point that a difference can be made, and that's what will hopefully solve most of the problems climate change may cause.

Of course not.

Some people believe they go to Heaven if they kill infidels.

Some people believe the Earth is 6000 years old.

Some people believe God gave it to mankind and would not let it get messed up.

Not really, developing countries are trying hard to achieve prosperity, they are not going to take notice of the UN, the Russians are more worried about cooling, they stand to gain with some warming, and lose big time with cooling.

Western countries do not stand a snowball in hell chance of stopping the rise of CO2

Yes It will just take a bit longer for the moronic deniers to catch on The rest of the world will catch on as more and more effects of AGW become unbiversal

Or where do you see things going?