> If we put more oxygen in the air can that help with ozone layer depletion?

If we put more oxygen in the air can that help with ozone layer depletion?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The ozone layer is 20 miles above us and it's a layer because of a cycle where one frequency of UV is absorbed by ozone, disassociating it whereupon it forms oxygen which absorbs another frequency of UV, disassociating to form ozone. The problem is that certain chemicals would react with the disassociated oxygen thereby stopping the cycle. Releasing more oxygen in the troposphere would take a long time to get to the ozone layer if it does at all and would not stop the effect of the undesired catalysts.

Increasing oxygen concentration from 20.8% to 90%, doubles the amount of ozone formation for each unit of delivered energy. And the increase is linear... halfway in between, and you get 1.5 times the ozone.

Of course, the increased flammability of any significantly increased oxygen level assures that wildfires will burn faster and bigger before they can be put out.

Part and parcel of increasing oxygen, is increasing the amount of trees. Increasing the amount of trees, means keeping the surface of the Earth cooler, which means less water vapor enters the ozone layer to cause ozone depletion. So call it what you will, stopping deforestation, and controlling Earth's surface reflectivity to keep the surface cooler, will do what needs done.

Campbel you were right until you suggested that depletion is caused by pollutants. Ozone isn't stable and would only last a few hours pollutants or not. The atmosphere is far to big to "put" O2 into it in any significant quantity and it simply gets absorbed and used by organism so it would be like pouring water into a reservoir: most would just pour out the other end.

Their is no ozone depletion Ozone goes away when there is no sun light during the winter months and tilt of the Earth

ozone is ok, Global Warming ended. confirmed. It will take Nature time to return to normal after 34 years. So be patient. Mike

The ozone layer depletion fraud was the warm-up act for the global warming fraud --- read all about it.

‘Ozone hole’ shenanigans were the warm-up act for ‘Global Warming’



New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False



How would we do that? anyway very little is known about stratospheric levels of ozone as we have not measured it for long enough, we dont even know what normal levels are. ozone is produced by solar radiation, mainly in the UV band and that varies with the sun spot cycle.

No. Ozone (O3) naturally breaks down into "regular oxygen" (O2) in the lower atmosphere, and also by reactions with atomic oxygen (O) in the upper atmosphere, and ozone is created by ultraviolet light hitting O2 in the upper atmosphere. Depletion of ozone in the upper air is caused by chemical pollutants that increased the rate of ozone reacting with O in the upper atmosphere, therefore upsetting the natural balance of O, O2 and O3 in the upper atmosphere.