> Do alarmists ring bells?

Do alarmists ring bells?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Even if they do, it does not account for the severe Tinnitus that afflicts Deniers.

The bell-ringing alarmists are, like the shouty deniers, people who haven't studied climate science. That's why I prefer to find out about global warming from what scientists say rather than the court of opinion in Y/A.

There *are* people that I'd refer to as alarmists on AGW.

The ones saying that, for example, AGW is going to lead to runaway warming that will sterilize the planet, or things like that.

I think the worst scenario that I'd consider even somewhat realistic would see... the collapse of government and civilization, and humanity essentially falling back to pre-industrial tech levels. And that's only if A. we're *really* stupid, *and* B. climate sensitivity to CO2 and methane is really high.

Some people ring bells on sundays:

Ding, ding, ding, ding