> Do you think that the tide of Gay Pride is responsible for climate change ?

Do you think that the tide of Gay Pride is responsible for climate change ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Making us wallow out of our depth in endless confusion all around? Bless!

Yes. All those bath houses in San Francisco increase the heat and CO2.

The tide of Gay pride? Yes, Yes, I believe that is one of the primary proxies used in the latest climate reconstruction from Mann. Decorum prohibits me from saying what that hockey stick looks like now.

Yes, I think that endless pride, is not something to bless or feel gay about.

Let us pray all around for a new climate in which a tide of change can make us more responsible.

"Gay Pride" is as silly as celebrating "straight Pride", why would you be proud of something you have no control over. On the other hand any excuse for a party is welcome...

Don't get me wrong, I am all for equal rights and have no time for the anti same sex marriage idiots. Logically as a heterosexual male I would benefit if more men were homosexual, I would have more female partners to choose from. (Just as would it increase the number of potential partners for homosexual men and bisexual men)

You're showing your endless confussion just asking this stupid question.

Have you ever heard of a Mrs. God ?

So you're anti-science and homophobic


Don't be stupid

Making us wallow out of our depth in endless confusion all around? Bless!