> Today there is more ice at the poles than there was just two years ago. Do you still believe the poles will be ice free

Today there is more ice at the poles than there was just two years ago. Do you still believe the poles will be ice free

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
.....Rules for the Alarmist.....

Well if it doesn't help the cause as is the case for Antarctica, discard the data. If it helps the cause, exaggerate the importance. If modern data isn't that helpful, ignore it

Frankly, my life wouldn't be any the worse if the Arctic were ice free for a summer which doesn't actually mean it will be "Ice free" under alarmist definition.

That is another rule for alarmists that I left out. If you don't like the definition of a word, then pretend it means something else.

Define, "soon".

Al Gore was paraphrasing what a few scientists were saying concerning this. And, no, it was not "the poles". It was that the Arctic would be free of sea ice during the melt season.

The Arctic sea ice today is still well below the 1979 mean. Somewhere around 2 deviations.

Samuel says the rest.

I do still see that the Arctic will become sea ice free. I do not see anything that would reverse the downward trend in the Arctic sea volume. The energy involved to do so would be immense. Sea ice levels are seasonal and variable by season. I will predict that the Arctic will become sea ice free during the next potent and extended El Nino event that occurs in conjunction with an elevated solar activity. I do not know when this will happen, do stick around until it does.

It is a failed prediction.

The Arctic has been free of ice before. If every time the amount starts to decline someone issues a prediction that it "may well" be all gone in x years then one year they will be right. I fully expect the warmists to make as much political capital out of that eventuality as possible.

I also expect them to play down any failed predictions as a matter of course.

This is connected with why they do not discard the worst performing climate models. The fact that they are always wrong does not seem to be a problem but imagine what we will hear if one ever gets anything right.


Does anyone know the answer to my GISS temperature history question?


The annual minimum Arctic sea-ice in 2014 was the 6th lowest on record. The Antarctic Sea ice did set a new record for the maximum daily level this year. In the WMO report they state,

"The IPCC AR5 says

that there is low confidence in the scientific understanding of the observed long-term increase

in Antarctic sea ice extent since 1979. Two explanations for the long-term increase have been

offered. The first is that there has been a strengthening of the prevailing westerly winds. The

second is that a freshening of the near-surface water due partly to the melting of ice shelves

has provided conditions conducive to ice growth."

As to WHEN...

"Sea ice has always been highly variable. Barber said that variability is growing and makes predictions difficult. Dates for an Arctic free of summer ice vary from 2020 to 2080 and scientists can’t really say how that’s going to play out in different regions."

Hard to say. But David Barber, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science at the University of Manitoba says at most by the year 2080.

Only you have ever made that claim

In 2000, Algore and several top global warming "scientists" claimed the poles would be ice free and this would cause rapid warming of the planet within 7 years. Today there is more ice at the poles than when this prediction was made. Do you still believe the poles will be ice free soon? Or do you see this as just another failed global warming prediction?