> Could global warming be solved?

Could global warming be solved?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think you missed the boat on comparisons when there are so many current non-solutions being promoted by idiot liberals today.

Can the government reduce it's debt? By reducing the amount of private spending and increasing the amount of public spending?

Can we solve obesity? By limiting the serving size of a container?

Can we prevent people from drowning? By banning water? (No, this isn't a liberal idea, but it sure is an easy sell when tell a liberal it's bad.)

Can we solve world hunger? By sending aid to corrupt governments who use that money to enhance there own lifestyles or use it to arm themselves and kill those we're pretending to help?

Today the president will shield himself with children trying to defend himself from logical and reasonable questioning about the effectiveness of banning a weapon based cosmetic features.

We can safely assume we cannot solve problems by allowing liberals to influence the decision making process. Yet here we are, with a majority of Americans doubling down on stupid by voting on a man who is borrowing almost 40 cents on the dollar, while claiming we don't have a spending problem, that we simply have a problem paying the bills.

I agree as one warmon post here that a vast majority of Americans have unfounded beliefs, in God, in Nature, and in Man's influence. But I don't think it proves that that the 30% minority of Americans that believe Nature's influence is greater than Man's is one of those unfounded beliefs.

You are obviously referring to the policy of bleeding our electricity generation of cheap abundant Coal, and replacing this reliable, efficient energy supply with the dung poultice of Photo-voltaic Solar Cells and Wind Turbines, neither of which are effective in providing 24/7 base load power. When it is dark, overcast or the wind isn't blowing within the wind turbine operating parameters...

Bleeding the system by shutting down Coal powered generators without first installing Nuclear or hydro replacements puts our future health and welfare at risk, and plays into the hands of the energy companies, who ride to the rescue with Coal-seam Gas.

End Result: methane vented from fracking sites poisons dwelling places, water tables are poisoned and polluted, ugly unreliable windmills slice our bird life to bleeding confetti, and Solar Cells provide intermittent but very expensive power. The poor get poorer, the corporations profit as Gas replaces Coal. CO2 continues to rise as industry is exported to China.

Bleeding and Dung Poultices: I couldn't have found a better analogy myself!

That is a NO, in case you were in any doubt...

As Jess says there are solutions. These can head off future GW and prevent catastrophic events from being the norm/

Reduce our collective carbon/greenhouse gas/environmental footprint by:


-driving less/consolidating trips

-walking or biking short distances

-conserving electricity by turning off lights and electronics not in use

-don't waste food

-don't waste water

-stop unnecessary deforestation

-feed the hungry

-educate the uneducated-especially women

-provide birth control and reproductive health care to women worldwide

-encourage friends, family and co-workers to do the same

-vote for environmentally focused local, state and national legislators.

It would be hard. And probably require both large cuts in energy usage and large changes in energy sources (green/nuclear), and take time. And chances are a lot of damage would still be done before it can be stopped.

Hi Peter America plans to own the weather by 2025 and from what we are seeing their right on track

http://www.space.com/1725-military-weath... At some point theory has to be put into action so the results can be studied Like the did here http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/... Was this the reason Sandy took that left hand turn exactly the way they predicted days in advance? Cheers

Use clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power. Energy is not just oil and coal.

46% of Americans think that a mythological supernatural being invented by quasi-historic, semi-nomadic tribes of illiterate sheep herders created humans in their present form less than 10,000 years ago.


30% of Americans do not accept global warming.


Since these are products of the same pre-scientific belief system that gave us dung poultices and blood-letting, there are probably a lot of people who would think that might work.


You’re comparing 21st century science to 17th century medicine. We’ve come a long way since then and have learned a lot about how the world works.

The use of dung poultices and bleeding had no comparables, nothing to compare it’s efficacy against, those who applied such treatments were working from a blank canvas.

The science of global warming is anything but a blank canvas, it complies with the laws of physics, we can quantify global warming in a way that the physicians of old never could. We can replicate the effects in a lab and test each component in isolation.

Your question is pointless and is trying to compare chalk and cheese. If you want to question global warming then by all means do so, but you only denigrate yourself by asking such nonsensical questions as this, it’s enough to make any rational person think you don’t have any credible evidence to use and are forced to resort to the sublime.

Yes and no. We would need to cut back on a lot of things like burning fossil fuels, and yes, cutting trees, and overtime, pollution would just clean itself up. But global warming is a very hard thing to stop completely, the best thing we could do is slow it down over time, until there is no more pollution.

Global warming has been solved. We know the cause, the effects, what it likely means for future and what we need to do about it. What we have not done, is to implement the solution.

Through the use of a dung poultice or by bleeding?

Those were treatments that didn't work, it was obvious to people, yet they continued to hold their advocates in high esteem for a long time.... are we dealing with something similar?

Mankind can create solutions for anything. It's just a matter of time.

Yes, remember, there are no problems, only solutions.

Yes, just stop cutting down trees!!

I think the global warming scam is finally starting a slow bleeding to death so yes

I think the sun already fixed it.The last ten years indicate a cooling trend has started, as predicted.


It wasn't so long ago when I read Pillars of the Earth and World Without End by Ken Follet and the dung poultice seemed to be the favored method but sometimes when that didn't work they bled them. It is hard to think of something worse to do to someone with sword wounds. It is amazing that they had any survivors. I am sure the doctors of that day were the same as alarmists now and scolded those poor ignorant wounded who doubted their crappy (literally) ideas.

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

global warming is fake so i guess it cant be sovled since theres no problem

Sure. Once these crooks stop making money off of this boondoggle then it will go away.