> Once CO2 is added to our atmosphere by burning fossil fuels?

Once CO2 is added to our atmosphere by burning fossil fuels?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
and becomes part of earths carbon cycle, what natural ways will permanently remove it?

CO2 in fossil fuels is already part of the carbon cycle. It is part of what is known as the geological carbon cycle. The only way to remove that carbon from that carbon cycle is to remove that carbon from the planet. What you are attempting to discuss is what natural ways will remove carbon from the biological carbon cycle and reintroduce it back into the geological carbon cycle.


Correct none

We continue to emit is 24-7-365 worldwide. That is why it continues to increase. There is no natural cycle on earth that will incorporate the extra CO2

Much gets used by trees and other vegetation for photosynthesis, but most of this returns to the atmosphere when the tree/plant dies. The majority is absorbed by the oceans, but the oceans constantly release CO2 Carbon in the ocean combines with shells creating calcium carbonate. When you see the waves rise up you will also see the white froth at the top of the wave. This is the CO2 being released. This is one of the positive feedback loops, contributing to GW The CO2 warms the environment, causing the oceans to release more CO2 making the environment warmer and this cycle just keeps repeating

The main carbon sinks are biomass and the oceans, respectively sequestering approx 90 and 120 gigatonnes of CO2 per year. However, they are also the two main sources of CO2 emissions and the total annual permanent net sequestration is just 3 gigatonnes.

CO2 sequestered by photosynthesis can be considered temporary, much biomass is seasonal and even that which lives for many years will, in time, release the stored CO2 back to the atmosphere.

Soils can be more permanent and there’s about 1? teratonnes of carbon locked up in soils. Biodegradation and chemical processes recycle the carbon back into CO2 but in areas of greater soil sterility this is a long process, whereas in biodiverse and active soils it’s just a few years.

Peat is a good sequester of CO2 but unfortunately biomethanic processes mean it produces a lot of methane, on the whole it’s a net contributor to global warming.

If you want a really long-term storage solution that the formation of carbon based rocks is a good one. Limestone, chalk, dolomite and coal are all formed from carbon, much of which once existed as atmospheric CO2. Once it’s formed into rocks most of it will remain there for a few hundred million years. The coal (like oil and gas) comes from plant matter whereas the other rocks started out as marine crustaceans that existed in vast numbers, died, took their carbon shells to the sea-floor and eventually formed rocks.

A small amount of carbon is lost from the land, oceans and atmosphere through chemical processes, depending what it forms determines if and when it returns as C or CO2 at a later date.

CO2 react with various things so some of it is not be part of relatively short cycles. For example, if plankton dies and sink to bottom of ocean. Or somehow some chemical interaction takes place and get locked in rock or something. Of course any ancient fossil that can be carbon dated was locked.

AGW cultists will claim that anything caused by human activity is permanent even though nature caused CO2 activity is not considered damage or permanent. Only higher taxes, destruction of capitalism, destruction of wealth, creation of a world totalitarian government full of unelected and unaccountable politicians can stop the CO2 that causes AGW but will allow the CO2 that nature releases to continue the runaway greenhouse effect.

It we don't act now global warming will cause us all to freeze to death after more hookers show up on street corners and meteors to com crashing into the planet but before the earth explodes when the air warms up a few degrees as more ships become frozen in the ice during the Antarctic summer.

None. permanently is a very long period of time.

and becomes part of earths carbon cycle, what natural ways will permanently remove it?