> Jello, " What's the one major thing that makes you a believer in man made global warming"?

Jello, " What's the one major thing that makes you a believer in man made global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Jello, "Is it the number of scientists who believe global warming is true"? Partially ...


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."

"or could it be something Algore said that make you believe."

No. I do appreciate that Al Gore brought global warming to the attention of the world, but what he said is not what influences me. In fact, I've been a bit critical of him because he always used the worst scenario, giving deniers the opportunity to criticize."

"Or maybe you see a big difference around you because of the 0.2degs we added to the climate over the last 100 years?"


Over the last 100 years, we've added nearly a degree and a half, so you're wrong twice. In addition to the amount of warming, "global" is not around my house. It is global, however.

"I'm interested in why you're a believer."


http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co... <== Note that CO2 intercepts a different wavelength than water. In addition, as CO2 warms the oceans, more water evaporates, increasing it's effectiveness.

http://www.school-for-champions.com/scie... <== melting of the Siberian tundra is a very serious problem.

It does occur to me to ask why you doubt?

Evidence. Lots and lots of evidence.

Not simply the number of scientists, but the percentage (high 90s for climate experts, probably at least in the 70s for other scientists). Reading some scientific papers on the subject. The class in biogeochemistry that I took. The rapid retreat of Arctic sea ice. Shifts in plant and animal habitats due to climate change. And on and on.

As I answered Jello^tm

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


I answered the "jello" question too. My first thought was something like "a scientific and enquiring mind", but I'm sure that wasn't what he/she was asking.


It's a shame that some people feel it necessary to block others only because they disagree.

Hey, maybe you want to ask the folks that think global warming is a problem. If you block 'em all, you're not going to get many honest, rational, answers. In addition, I do have some thoughts on your additional questions, which I will post as an answer.

Jello, "Is it the number of scientists who believe global warming is true?"

"or could it be something Algore said that make you believe?"

"Or maybe you see a big difference around you because of the 0.2degs we added to the climate over the last 100 years?"

"I'm interested in why you're a believer."

Actually, I seriously doubt you're interested, but it will be entertaining to see the differences between the answers given by AGW deniers, and those of us who are honestly concerned.