> Does one country's air quality have and effect on the other country's air quality?

Does one country's air quality have and effect on the other country's air quality?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if canada has good air quality but a country near it doesnt, does that country's air quality, effect canadas because of air circulation around the globe..?

Smog from China has been detected in California. Usually air pollution doesn't travel that far, but China has become, not just the world's most populous country, but also the biggest polluter.

It is eventually pretty much mixed together. Years ago Canada I think actually sued the state of Michigan because all the SO2 coming from the smoke stacks in Detroit were causing a great deal of acid rain over the border.

Much of a Country's / City's CO2 production is a a lower level while it is still around the area where it was produced. Take the cities in China which are having heavy smog. Most of this is industry and autos, but China is on a rampage to provide electricity to it's people so they will be building 1 coal fired power plant every week for the next 3 or 4 years. Not only will China forever be the world's most polluted country, they will drive climate change no matter what the rest of the world does. They intend to phase these out and replace with alternative power but in the meantime, I would be surprised if the cities would have any breathable air.

This will likely spread to Nepal and India, but India itself will be building a great number of coal plants as well

Absolutely. Air currents moves continuous over the whole planet as does water. Yes. It effects the whole planets until it filters out through rain.


yes it does




if canada has good air quality but a country near it doesnt, does that country's air quality, effect canadas because of air circulation around the globe..?