> Jello: "Do global warming (deniers) pick and choose the science they believe in due to political beliefs?

Jello: "Do global warming (deniers) pick and choose the science they believe in due to political beliefs?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
While there are some areas where liberals are more likely to be wrong about science (I suspect most hardcore anti-nuclear, anti-GMO, and anti-vaccination activists are liberals), on the subject of global warming, I think the science-guided-by-politics is pretty solidly on the side of the denialists.

Not to say there aren't "warmers" who picked sides because of their political beliefs. But, virtually every denialist is a conservative or libertarian (at least in the US), but a lot of conservatives and libertarians are "warmers". In other words, people of various political stripes accept AGW, but only people of certain political beliefs reject it (with vanishingly few exceptions).

The point is moot

YouTube michael reanolds "garbage warrior" and sepp holzer permaculture.

Tell deniers of jack spirco he's a perfect gateway into a life so green it can end and reverse global warmig.

Tell true believers of sepp and Michael. Then Paul wheaton as a gateway into reality of what's really green and what's a divide and conquer campaign.

Unless of course you just want to continue a "greenwashed" government that restricts your water use and taxes republican coal plants while GE Democrat coal plants pay no taxes and Democrat franking natural gas kills while republican oil gets. Double the pay for half the output.

The global warming debacle changed my political views, I am more right wing now than before, but I still detest most politics.

Jim Z: "and sometimes when Obama does something particularly harmful (which is quite often)"

OH no, your politics aren't blindingly obvious. (shakes head)

OR, maybe it's time for ....

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Why is it important to you that people actually believe like you do? Why not just state that we should lower co2, then build more nuclear power plants and use natural gas for cars? But we don't. Instead you have to insult those who don't believe like you do. It's a religion, not a science.

Most of the deniers here, being low-level copy-cats, believe whatever Wattsup says this week, nor matter if that contradicts what Wattsup said the week before, because Wattsup confirms those deniers' belief that their willful ignorance of science doesn't matter, because science is a hoax (perpetrated by whatever constellation of conspirators Wattsup suggests or implies this week, no matter if inconsistent with the conspiratorial motives and actors featured or implied by Wattsup last week).

I definitely see more posts about unusual cold weather as proof there is no global warming from global warming (deniers) than I see posts about unusual hot weather as proof that there is global warming.

I think it is warmers who are more affected by their politics. I can almost always guess (know) who alarmists voted for and sometimes when Obama does something particularly harmful (which is quite often), I tend to blame it on alarmists, fairly or unfairly.

Note: I never deny my political beliefs unlike some people who invariably claim to be "moderates". The question is do I "deny" AGW because of my political beliefs. I would say no. I am just not as susceptible to guilt trips and emotional appeals.


Whose politics affects their views on global warming more?



If you know an individual's view on global warming, and you guess that person's politics, are you more, or less, likely to be correct if he's a warmer or denier?