> Is this astoride the result of global warming and we need to act fast?

Is this astoride the result of global warming and we need to act fast?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I thought everyone knew by now that everything bad is caused by Global Warming.

Here's the proof. The site I've linked below claims to have the complete list of bad things that have allegedly been caused by Global Warming.


For example:

Did you know that Global Warming killed the Loch Ness Monster? (sad hun? - no word on Godzilla)


How about the poor polar bears who's penis sizes are shrinking because of Global Warming (pollution). I wonder how many researchers they lost getting those measurements.


Global Warming is said to be hurting the brothel industry.


How much longer before the Martian invasion?


Get your head from where the sun doesn't shine and into a wealth

of information at NASA, within their archives, that relate to asteroids.

Then post as additional info, what you found.

It's quite simple honey, all you need to do.

Yah just gotta give em credit. They know how to reel in the suckers. Al Gore didn't get be rich by telling the truth. Ha! Ha! Just look at the greenies scramble for this one. There isn't a calamity they don't like.

The Grifter is selling tickets for the event, "Step right up folks and see Global Warming in its raw form!"

Jeff M: Is plotting a chart to see where it will come close enough to the Earth to change the level of the seas.

Al Gore and Warren Buffet are selling Asteroid insurance. In case the Earth is totally destroyed, they will pay you $20 trillion. (What a Deal! And for only a mere $1000 and the family jewels.)

Gringo is checking the authenticity of the Asteroid's credentials. He will be the first to tell you they might be fake.

Prico and his buddy Prof Richard Parncutt, who outright states that he is for killing a certain group of people because of their beliefs, “I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.” Finally these AGW denying people will certainly get theirs.

Elizabeth is busy showing that the earth's CO2 level is sucking in that Asteroid.

Gary F figures that if you hurl enough mindless insults at the Asteroid, it will go away.

Dork is still waiting for instructions from his puppet master. Little does he know he's blocked him too. He's got a long wait.

JC thinks we ought to raise enough taxes and it will not collide as hard.

The IPCC has issued stern asteroid warnings, and flew off to another conference.

The UN is pushing for global and asteroidal dominance.

The communists are blaming capitalism.

These greenies are really busy.

Wit and humor require intelligence. There is a reason that you do not see a lot of successful stupid comedians. It's the same reason Jeff M immediately spotted you as a lame troll. You cannot hide your kind of stupid.

Nice trolling attempt. Actually, it was horrible.

You must be right! Oh noes!!!! Run for the hills!!!!

al gore who like president obama and would never lie, has told us many times how global warming will end life on earth as we know it. this astoroide is proof of his words.


to end global warming please buy as many products as possible in companies that al gore own stocks in.