> Whatsup with global warming?

Whatsup with global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Tell this to the 10k walruses in Alaska on one beach. They have no ice to go out at sea. Without the ice they will die. This is one big story in the news today.

As John Lennon stated living is easy with eyes closed. If you want t find web sites about global,warming be false there are tons of them. If you want the truth go find it some where else than the Internet.

I Live in Canada and the amount of ice lost up,north is unreal. They even found the franklin expedition. Polar bears are starving from lack of sea ice. Global,warming is here.

Pay no attention to Madd Maxx's cherry picked data




Or discredited videos.

Its called evolution of the universe nothing stays the same , we can do what we like it won't stop changing , we should look after our environment that is basic common sense or we will hurry our extinction which is almost inevitable , luckily the soul is eternal .

More info type in Marc Lambert and God

were I you, I wouldn't deify a guy who got a D in the only science class he ever took at university, and rode a book he wrote on a science topic up the political ladder, and into a pile of money. Just saying, do your own research. cant do any worse than Gore did, and probably better.

Not a lot, nothing much has happened for 18yrs, temperatures are stable, global sea ice is average extent, Arctic sea ice is very slightly down, Antarctic sea ice is at record level extent, it is all a bit boring.

Stop asking global warming questions, nobody cares.

Certainly not the temperature. It has stayed the same for twenty years now.

There is no AGW! Enough said?

According to the most viewed climate site its just more of the same old same old.


Lots of talk but nothing much really happening.

Not much the religon id dying

Al Gore has all the answers.

dont worry about it you cant change it so dont stress

the temperature what else?

be more specific.