> What is climate change doing to China's deserts?

What is climate change doing to China's deserts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
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The possibility of the planet warming 0.6C in 150 years has these warmunists scared. The simple fact that CO2 does increase biomass in plants shouldn't scare them, but they can't accept that extra CO2 does anyone any good. There's nothing that could stop the planet from going into a "cold spell" (especially since outer space is so cold and we have to depend on the erratic Sun to keep us warm). That thing that is 1,300,000 times the size of Earth will have more of an effect on our atmosphere than humans can possibly think about!

China's deserts are growing due to intense heat and lack of water in surrounding areas. China has one of the worst problems of desertification. Last year they were afraid that the increased desertification would actually swallow the entire city of Beijing. Sand storms were keeping people inside.

So China has been aggressively planting bushes near the edge of the deserts to stop the sand from taking over more farmland and villages.

The link you provided is primarily concerned with the how the vegetation is responding to the heat

Returning all weather back to its original status, since Global Warming ended over a year ago. All non solids like Smoke, co2, exhaust, gases, etc. that rises into the upper atmosphere separates into nothingness by nature just like its been doing for over a thousand years. If your in China, then I suggest you use fans to send undesirable smells upward so nature can do its job. Mike

I stopped reading your link when I saw the two words, "Climate alarmists." If your link had a shred of scientific merits, it would not have to resort to ad homs.

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