> Need help with climate and change homework?

Need help with climate and change homework?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I could answer these questions by going online and researching, but it would take me several hours to do it, I suggest you do it instead.

For a start maybe this will help http://geocraft.com/WVFossils/ice_ages.h...

On the latter half of your questions, these links might help:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

For the others, Wikipedia might help. It shouldn't be the last place you look, but often it's a good place to start, and it can give you an overview, search terms, and sometimes actual links to further information.

Wow, that's a tall order. You can find most of the answers by using the search function at the site below.

Isn't it intuitively obvious that, ice coverage during the last ice age was greater than today.

You may find the following useful:



I need some answers to the following questions for my exam because i need to write them on my revision cards and use them in the test here are the following questions im going to copy and paste it from my worksheet and i dont have all the imformation because i started geography late because my subjects was in the wrong at the beginning of the year so please help me out here are the questions and you odnt need to answer all of them and they dont need to be long and i vant fidn much information on key stage 4 revision website thats hwy im asking this question i got very little time to do this.

1. Describe how the earths climate has changed in the long term / compare ice coverage during the last major ice age with present day ice coverage.

2.explain how natural causes have changed the earths climate in the long term(including asterioid collisions)

3. Explain how the end of the last ice age led to the extinction of megafuana.

4.examine the evidence for the little ice age / describe the impacts of the little ice age on people and th environment

5. investigate the uk climate including temperature rainfall and seasonality./consider the role of air masses and in controlling climate.

6.Examine how the UK climate may change in the future

7.Explain the concept of the greenhouse effect and enchanced greenhouse effect.

8.Identify and explain how human activities are leading to the enchanced greenhouse effect

9.examine the economic and environmental impacts of global warming on the Uk and bangladesh

10. Consider the range of projections for future warming and sea level rise and give reasons for the uncertainty.