> How does the climate affect the loss of biodiversity?

How does the climate affect the loss of biodiversity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
project due tomorrow...thx!

Well CO2 is causing deserts to recede and greening the planet http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/201...


So I suppose some desert reptiles and scorpions maybe suffering.

But it is pretty good for humans.

Climate changing stimulates biodiversity because the species that adapt best tend to survive..

Basically, because changing climates tend to be good for generalists and bad for specialists.

Generalists, by their nature, can live in most climate conditions. They tend to be fairly widespread. Specialists often can only live (or, at least, can only thrive) in a fairly narrow or specialized set of conditions. If climates change, then either they will need to move to a place that now has the climate conditions they need, or they will go extinct. This tends to lead to even wider distribution of already-widespread generalists, and a lot fewer specialists.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiversi... may be a good place to start for more information.

Where is it written that climate change is bad for biodiversity? The geological record indicates that periods marked by broad expansions in the quantity and diversity of flora and fauna were periods of warmth, not cold.

Climate change alone is expected to threaten with extinction approximately one quarter or more of all species on land by the year 2050

project due tomorrow...thx!