> Which of the following statements are TRUE?

Which of the following statements are TRUE?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
E it is !


Thinning of layer causes UV rays to enter as a result heats up the Earth (True to some extent)


CO2 doesn't do much damage to the ozone layer.


They cause the Green House effect, thus Global Warming, not depleting the Ozone layer.


Nope, its reduce the emission of Green House Gases


Praise the Lord !

C is the main causes of ozone layer depletion

"E) Chlorofluorocarbons contribute to both ozone depletion and global climate change "

They are the cause of the ozone hole.

They have a very, very minor roll in global warming, but they are greenhouse gases.

Only E is right. Chlorofluorocarbons are potent greenhouse gases, as well as ozone depleting chemicals.

It can't be E. Global warming is still just a theory. I would say D only because it can be proven, but I don't know what the Kyoto treaty is and am too lazy to look it up.

This ozone "hole" ( it just thins a little ) is a naturally occurring event that has been happening since the beginning of time. Man has nothing to do with this naturally occurring event.

I agree with Sagebrush's answer. There is still too much unproven data. And the Kyoto accord was only about money.

1- The first statement is false. The thinning of the ozone layer has nothing to do with global warming. The thinning of the Ozone layer does, however, allow more harmful UV rays to reach the surface of the Earth.

2- Carbon dioxide emissions do not affect how thick the ozone layer is. So this statement is false, once again.

3-Greenhouse gases have nothing to do with the thickness of the ozone layer.

4- Yes the Kyoto treaty was to prevent the damage of the Ozone layer

5-Yes that statement is true.

"A) The thinning of the ozone layer is causing a significant warming of the planet"

Really only in the daytime. Less ozone lets more UV-215 thru UV-280 in, which must be turned into heat in the soil or ocean. But it is also a greenhouse gas so less ozone lets more heat out at night. So the temperature only swings more. So "partly false".

"B) It is important to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in an effort to repair the ozone layer"

The causality chain is very long: less CO2 means less H2O is lofted to mix in the ozone layer, where H2O depletes ozone. So let's say "partly true".

"C) The majority of greenhouse gasses are causing a thinning of the ozone layer"

Via the same causality chain as for B), so "partly true". One of those greenhouse gases is water vapor (H2O), so a little more true than B).

"D) The main focus of the Kyoto treaty is to prevent a depletion of the ozone layer"

Ostensibly, its main focus was to control CO2. So this is false.

"E) Chlorofluorocarbons contribute to both ozone depletion and global climate change"


So E) is true, and so is B) and C) to some extent. Not a very good test. Shows little understanding on the part of the person that wrote it.


A) The thinning of the ozone layer is causing a significant warming of the planet

B) It is important to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in an effort to repair the ozone layer

C) The majority of greenhouse gasses are causing a thinning of the ozone layer

D) The main focus of the Kyoto treaty is to prevent a depletion of the ozone layer

E) Chlorofluorocarbons contribute to both ozone depletion and global climate change

Has to be E, right?

(A) Not proven.

(B) The reduction of the Ozone layer was supposed to be caused by R12. That theory has been proven false by Mother Earth herself.

(C) Revert to 'B'. That has never been proven satisfactorily.

(D) No. The Kyoto accord was to tax the usage of GHGs.

(E) Nothing scientifically proven for this statement.

However, if you are striving for an 'A', you are asking the wrong people. Ask your teacher what answer he or she desires. A thru E are scientifically nonsensical.

The is pure communistic infiltration of our educational system