> How fossil records are used as a means to provide evidence of species change?

How fossil records are used as a means to provide evidence of species change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Explain how fossil records are used as a means to provide evidence of species change.

These records are just about the horse, if you want to support evolution then you need evidence of things like the arrival of birds that have a totally different structure and muscle. They just seem to arrive with no intermediate stage. The only support for the theory is that the alternative is not acceptable.

One way fossils are used is to confirm predictions based on evolutionary theory. Before any were known, it was predicted there should be fossils from intermediate organisms that contained characteristics of both reptiles and modern birds. And, indeed, such fossils have been found (e,g,. Velociraptor mongoliensis). In fact, there has never been a single fossil ever found that does not confirm and reaffirm the conclusions and predictions of species change.

You can take an obvious example of the eohippus which is an ancestor of the horse. It had five toes. The next oldest horse ancestor had 4 toes. Well here is a site which shows them as they evolved over time.


The oldest fossils are in older rocks. Rocks deposited on top are younger and you can look at fossils in the younger rock to see the differences in animals over time and how they evolved.

what they said

Explain how fossil records are used as a means to provide evidence of species change.