> Did skeptical climate scientists successfully beat back the myth of the "runaway effect" or was it science to

Did skeptical climate scientists successfully beat back the myth of the "runaway effect" or was it science to

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The runaway greenhouse effect has happened on Venus and there has been research into whether it's possible on Earth.

There was a nice summary paper in 2012:


"he ultimate climate emergency is a ‘runaway greenhouse’:...This would evaporate the entire ocean and exterminate all planetary life...The good news is that almost all lines of evidence lead us to believe that is unlikely to be possible, even in principle, to trigger full a runaway greenhouse by addition of non-condensible greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide to the atmosphere."

All good scientists are skeptical, and unlike man-made global warming, over which 97% of climate scientists agree, there is very little support for a runaway greenhouse effect happening on Earth in the coming millions of years.

The warmers here act as if the "deniers" are the bane of science, when in fact they are helping science. Were it not for the "deniers", skeptics actually calling out every time the wamers make exaggerated and stupid claims like runaway warming, the climate "scientists" would have not controlled themselves. They would be reporting that by 2020 the seas will rise by 11 inches. Oh wait Linlyons already posted an article with that claim.

Given that the emission of radiation is a 4th power function of temperature, the claim is nonsense. But climatologists also know that, so it is a straw man argument.

It was bound to happen. They tried to bend science to push their failed political agenda and eventually their failed predictions caught up with them. You can only cry wolf for so long. Pretty soon every recognizes that it was only a Chihuahua after all.

MTR as a student, you should learn to use the word "theoretically". There was "theoretically" a runaway greenhouse event on Venus. What is with science challenged alarmists that can't seem to put proper limitations on anything regarding AGW. It is supposed to be about science, not a cult.

I don't get that they say "Kasting estimated the limit for Earth to 320 Watts per square meter" seeing as we already receive 1360Wm2 (what I am missing)

Anyway I do not hear much talk about Runaway Warming anymore, it is quietly going away, next will be 'catastrophic' warming and 'tipping points' the fact that the Earth has stopping warming is really screwing the warmers.

I remember a year or two ago that it would run away when we reached 400 ppm. Now that we have reached that, it didn't happen. H-m-m-m. Maybe they ought to come up with a new scare. That one sure didn't work. Ha! Ha!

Isn't it interesting how many of the greenies' theories have been proven wrong. I think these theories are dream t up by high school kids long on imagination and short on science. They certainly don't have facts on their side.

" ... Most scientists believe that a runaway greenhouse effect is actually inevitable in the long term as the Sun gradually gets bigger and hotter as it ages. Such will potentially spell the end of all life on Earth.[citation needed] As the Sun becomes 10% brighter in about one billion years' time, the surface temperature of Earth will reach 47 °C (117 °F), causing the temperature of Earth to rise rapidly until it becomes a greenhouse planet similar to Venus today. This will be the single most dramatic step in annihilating all life on Earth. ... "

Strawman argument.

Heck, even the Wikipedia article you cite uses SkepticalScience as one of its' sources.