> How did scientist Svante Arrhenius (1859–1927: first to predict global warming) propose that the UN tax carbon?

How did scientist Svante Arrhenius (1859–1927: first to predict global warming) propose that the UN tax carbon?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Svante Arrhenius used his time warp communicator (TWC) to beam the information through time and space directly to Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri. It's little known that Arrhenius invented the TWC just like Al Gore invented the internet.


Hey Dook

Sage, normally, the reason someone ASKS a question is not in order to have someone else ask that SAME QUESTION so that the first someone can then ANSWER it.

Parsley: "When did you stop beating your wife, Sage?"

Sage: "Hey, Parsley, been a long Thyme. My wife Rosemary once was a true love of mine. But tell me when did I stop beating her?"

Parsely: "Beats the HA HA Helmet off of me."

PS: Here is the original question, that has been plagiarized. If you are not able to answer it there, it is because your past posts show a pattern of anti-science denial, that some people here would rather not have to wade through again and again.


You got me there. I have no answer for that. I'd like an honest answer from any entity that taxes "carbon" in regards to how that would actually stop global warming. If taxing does zero to stop global warming...why tax?

Let us open this up to everyone. It is an interesting question. In particular, why anyone would ask this in the first place.

My answer would be posthumously. The UN wasn't created until Oct, 1945.

Anyone else? I would welcome an answer from the original asker of this question.