> Is global warming causing coffee to taste like it was brewed with grandma's 73 year old unwashed socks?

Is global warming causing coffee to taste like it was brewed with grandma's 73 year old unwashed socks?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Say it ain't so.

What a load of rubbish I used grow coffee, and only certain types like Arabica like cool mountain sides, ones I grew loved it hot

Coffee requires a certain amount of rain, a certain soil and a certain range of temperature over the entire growing season. Vary ANY of those variables and the harvested beans will be different from those grown under optimum conditions. Wine grape growers like coffee growers are already noting changes in their crops related to climate. It's not just that it's 'warmer', it may not be given a particular area, but the rain situation, too much or too little makes a big difference and the growing season itself as it changes makes an even bigger difference.

People that say it 'isn't any warmer' miss the point... the climate as whole is shifting. With coffee and grapes a week or two when conditions aren't 'just right' makes a big difference.

These people crack me up with their BS. The warmers really have to work at making problems.

Most all plant life benefits from warmer temps and more CO2, so they do reports on poison ivy and specific types of coffee. LOL.

The funny thing is that they are so deeply religiously devoted to their AGW religion, that they do not even see a problem with this type of BS.

It is particularly funny that they use the tree ring data which assumes, I say again ASSUMES that warmer weather means more plant growth.

So its one way or the other warmers. You can't have your cake after you have eaten it. Either the tree ring data is entirely wrong and we are now cooling OR a warmer climate is better for plants.


Yep. Many more will be affected. Positively. Say I am wrong. Go on. Tell me I am wrong. Tell me the entirety of the tree ring data is bogus.


You mean for expensive coffee and expensive wine??? Yeah, I think the rich will find some other way to waste their money, but I am glad to hear how concerned you are for them. Poor rich people having to drink a lesser quality wine. OHHH the humanity.

Try a different brand.

http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.ht... Coffee is already on the list of things affected by global warming.

Sorry to me coffee has always tasted like that, so I wouldn't notice a difference.

I guess you may what to look into the grammatical use of "will" in the title of the guardian article as that is a future reference where yours is trying to make it a present reference, but that's an old denier trick.

Your article lists an expert "Dr Tim Schilling" who seems qualified to comment on coffee plant production, unless you are trying to start a new conspiracy, perhaps GREEN tea is paying him to lie, or it's a plot by alternate coffee made with wind generators or solar grinders or that evil Iced chocolate club of Rome.

Yes it is. See global warming is one of those causes that trendy people believe in, mocking those who disagree, allowing them to feel superior to those little people. In the same way, coffee houses can jack up prices on inferior product, and the trendy people will pay it thinking it makes them superior to the rubes who drink ordinary stuff.

You must go to Starbucks and have no clue what coffee tastes like.

Global Warming is a myth. The earth hasn't increased in temperature for the past 15 years. Look it up.

Arabica plants need cool air, and it is the temperate climates that are bound to feel the effects of climate change the most drastically, so yes.

You who seem to be appalled by this should be aware that coffee is not the only crop effected by climate change It will be many more


Say it ain't so.