> Will anyone ride across Canda with me in the summer of 2015?

Will anyone ride across Canda with me in the summer of 2015?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
why not the winter, if you are so concerned, maybe if you do it then, you'll see you've been lied to

Maybe you can contact fellow Canadian Anjali Appadurai on twitter and exchange thoughts [1]

(She gave a pasionate speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban [2])

I started riding from Seattle to Maine a few years ago. Got 50 miles out of Seattle and quit.

If you were petitioning against raising taxes to fight the climate change myth I would think about it. I'd probably drive in my car though.

I would think people in Canada would want global warming.

Why are you so worried about a degree or two of temperature increase? You don't think your house will be flooded do you? Sea level has been rising a few mm per year for CENTURIES.

I am sorry you have fallen prey to propaganda, climate change is not a problem (especially for Canada) a doubling of Co2 will cause an increase in 3.7watts per sq meter which is about 1degree C.

The ridiculous theory that this will cause positive feedbacks is nonsense, there many negative feedbacks with water vapor, and as long as our world has 70% of it surface covered by oceans there can be no runaway warming.

Some warming would be beneficial for Canada, longer growing seasons, reduced heating costs, more land available for agriculture.

Save your energy. You have been duped. If you ride or you don't ride, it won't make any difference. Climate Change is a political scam. Why would you want to help crooked lying politicians raise your taxes?

You make me proud to be Canadian, don't ever loose your enthusiasm.

Basically, this an idea I really want to follow through with. I'm currently a high school student and I am deeply worried about climate change. Now, this is still an idea in progress but I want to ride across the country in order to raise awareness and passion towards the issue of climate change. I'm not sure if i'd carry a petition or what, but a I was hoping to assemble a group of people to do it with me. Starting from Vancouver and moving to Nova Scotia. There could be events along the way, and hopefully people would join us! Not for all of it perhaps, but certain lengths for sure. Right now, i'm just gauging interest. I've had a hard time convincing my parents and fellow teen environmentalists, and i've been too nervous to bring it up with anyone else. Would you do something like that? And if not, do you know someone who would?