> What you think of my Movie Plot idea: 99% of the world's scientists conspire to contrive an environmental crisis, bu

What you think of my Movie Plot idea: 99% of the world's scientists conspire to contrive an environmental crisis, bu

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
...plucky band of billionaires and oil companies.

Actually the VAST MAJORITY of scientists DO NOT buy into the notion of Catastrophic, Man-made, Global Warming.

The "97%" crap that has been blathered about by the minority collection of Warming Activists, was exposed as Fraud long ago.

If CAGW was real, Goobers like Al Gore would not be burning fossil fuels at the level they currently do.

the billionaires absolutely believe in global warming . then know for a fact earth has only a few decades left . that is why those recent " explorer missions " to mars are realy planting trips . they are spreading GMO moss , lichen , and algae , that can survive the cold and high UV on mars now . they are trying to grow a O2 atmosphere . the rich have been hoarding massive amounts of cash for the last decade or so , so they can afford the several billion dollar one way tickets .

proof ? with even a cheap telescope you can watch mars turn from red to green in the next decade .

I think it is total insanity to accept the Denialists' viewpoint, like something right out of 1984, to assume there is a huge conspiracy going on in the scientific community. It's reminiscent of the Creationist/Evolution debate, while Evolution is Science and Creationism is religious hogwash. Multibillionaires of the Fossil Fuel Industry want people to think Global Warming isn't real because they will lose profits. Scientists wish Global Warming wasn't real, because it will cost trillions of dollars coping with it, the loss of lives and so forth.........

I like it! It's more believable than many of the things I see in here. So who are you thinking, maybe Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt for the Koch brothers? Mike Myers as Dr. Evil playing James Hansen?

State of Fear by Michael Crichton is close to that. Someone creates disasters to sell the public on global warming.

And the scientists were paid off by someone who was trying to bring solar panels to market.

Considering only 1% would go see it, you should be willing to charge $20k a ticket to break even.

They'd need a motive. What would it be? I can't imagine one.

I love it, but Hollyweird will never produce it.

great fiction

...plucky band of billionaires and oil companies.

Thanks... just stolen it.