> The earth has naturally been warming for centuries why do people blame "global warming" on people?

The earth has naturally been warming for centuries why do people blame "global warming" on people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The earth naturally gets warmer and colder, this happened in the ice age and has been getting warmer since. it will get warmer then colder "global warming isn't real".

While the earth's environment is ever-changing, and you are right, the Ice Age was an extreme example of this, global warming is most certainly real. Before, what is called the glacial cycle was natural, caused by events and things concerning the sun. However, the sun could always fix the problem in the next cycle. We are not so lucky. We have been destroying our earth ever since we were first placed on it (whether this was when we were placed by God, or birthed by a gorilla, or zapped in by aliens from Venus, it is irrelevant). The constant toxins we emit are poisoning our atmosphere, causing holes in the ozone layer that protects us. And yes, the first effects of this will be climate change. The overall 'warming' will occur slowly, but surely. The problem is that there is no way to reverse this, and it is truly impossible to stop it. We have relied on a life of motors and electricity for far too long to give it up in order to save the earth that some still deny needs saving. Either way, we will burn up. Because of Global Warming. And it IS our fault.

I am a global warming skeptic, however to deny that CO2 admitted by man does not have an effect would be stupid of course it does, but by how much? that is the big question.

I believe that Earths sensitivity to CO2 is relatively minor, and that natural cycles are much more influential.

Your previous answers, "our Earth is going to burn up" "or we will be standing in boiling water" is utter nonsense, a little science knowledge will straight away disprove that, take Stefan Boltzmann equation that states that as the temperature goes up, an object (Earth) radiates out heat expontentially, so even if there is a factor that increases Earths heat, what will happen is the temperature will rise, then the rate of rise will decrease until a new state of equillibrium is reached.

The big question that nobody seems to want to know is will a slightly warmer world be dangerous, and I tend to think NO it will actually be beneficial.


Baccheus ten times that of the change after the ice age how come this then


Whether the planet warms or cools due to natural processes isn't the issue. The issue is that we've added an additional factor into the mix (30+ billion tonnes of CO2 per year at the moment), thereby altering the impact of those processes.

The planet goes through warming and cooling periods where you have glacial advance and retreat. There have been 7 such events in the past 650,000 years. CO2 levels swung from 180 to 300 ppm and back over each of those 7 events.

Today the CO2 levels are nearly 400 ppm. They rose from 280 to almost 400 ppm in a century. That is unprecedented in the last 650,000 years and is clear evidence something new has been added to the mix.

Yes it has been warming for centuries. Global warming is being blamed on people because CO2 causes warming. However the amount of warming from CO2 could be very low compared to the natural warming. Instead scientists are attributing a high amount of warming to CO2. They explain away the natural warming, by using models and saying it is because of CO2, not the sun or other natural factors. However, they are begging the question, as the models have a high amount of CO2 warming built in as an assumption. So of course with that assumption, changes in other factors will still make CO2 the dominant factor.

Because it is a political ploy. It has nothing to do with the atmosphere or air quality but pure politics.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Only a greedy evil person would blame humans for the Earth's temperature. They do this to strike fear into an unsuspecting and trusting soul then sock that person in the pocketbook and take away that person's liberties.

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

'Justice and equality' are code words for communism.

It seems to me that there are always a percentage of people that think they are responsible for everything that happens around them. They think they are responsible for rain and snow and the world going to crap. There are always some that think they are special, that they live in the last generation and the world is coming to an end and there are always have been these people. It is among these ranks that most alarmists are from. They are the same ones who argued that we have or are running out of resources. It wasn't so long ago when alarmists almost universally suggested we were past peak oil. They wouldn't listen to reason. You could point out to them that historically, people with a like mind predicted the end of oil over and over and over again but learning isn't one of the strong points and neither is admitting mistakes. They still think they saved the world from global cooling, acid rain, ozone depletion, DDT, and a host of other life threatening dangers.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of ALL OF THE MAJOR INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES."


"With the release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change."


But, of course, you're way smarter than all those PhD Sciencey guys.

They's studied climate for decades.

But obviously you're way smarter, and we should just ignore them.

You're probably the smartest person on earth.

If the rise in CO2 continues unchecked, warming of the same magnitude as the increase out of the ice age can be expected by the end of this century or soon after. This speed of warming is more than ten times that at the end of an ice age, the fastest known natural sustained change on a global scale.

-- our National Academy of Sciences.


Because pumping a shed load of Co2 into the air will effect the climate at a faster rate than at which it would naturally occur. Instead of making statements which the majority of scientists in the world disagree with why don't you just wait and see what happens? I bet there will be an increasing amount of evidence for man made climate change, although no doubt some of you would still continue to deny it while standing up to your neck in boiling sea water.

Because the factors that were causing natural warming early in the previous century have reversed. Now, we are having warming when all the natural factors we know of should be causing *cooling* instead. This suggests that something other than those natural factors is at play here.

The earth naturally gets warmer and colder, this happened in the ice age and has been getting warmer since. it will get warmer then colder "global warming isn't real".

Because the only real goal of the man-made Global Warming SCAM is to raise our taxes and restrict our liberties. And if the warming is NATURAL then you can't justify taxing the people for it.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Because in the last half century, the Sun is less bright, but with more CO2, the Earth is warming.

Because in the last half century, the Sun is less bright, but with more CO2, the Earth is warming.

Because in the last half century, the Sun is less bright, but with more CO2, the Earth is warming.

Because in the last half century, the Sun is less bright, but with more CO2, the Earth is warming.

yes, the earth has naturally been warming for centuries but this days earth temperature is being increasing day by day due to global warming and it is being happen by us human.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

yes, the earth has naturally been warming for centuries but this days earth temperature is being increasing day by day due to global warming and it is being happen by us human.

yes, the earth has naturally been warming for centuries but this days earth temperature is being increasing day by day due to global warming and it is being happen by us human.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

yes, the earth has naturally been warming for centuries but this days earth temperature is being increasing day by day due to global warming and it is being happen by us human.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

tired argument. climate responds to many factors including greenhouse gases. it does not matter if these are man made or natural.

by denier logic people cannot start forest fires because they also occur naturally.

Because in the last half century, the Sun is less bright, but with more CO2, the Earth is warming.