> Senior researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences say cooler period ahead?

Senior researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences say cooler period ahead?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is a good thing he is in Russia. In this country, Al Gore would have him fired!

And Prico's bosom buddy, Prof Richard Parncutt, would have him killed. He outright states that he is for killing a certain group of people because of their beliefs, “I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.” And that's not taken out of context either.

They have been saying this for years. One of theme even bet I think it was Joe Romm or James Annan for lower temperatures in 20 years, a bet Richard Lindzen was not willing to back up unless he got 50-1 odds.

Russia only signed on to the Kyoto Protocol because they can make money from it, as her carbon emissions are vastly reduced from Communist days.

What exactly is it that makes you believe this person over all the others that say a warmer period is ahead? Just because you like what he says doesn't make it true (or untrue). Look at the science behind his claim. Look at how others have torn apart his claim and see if they have any valid points.

I'll bet the Alarmist grant-gatherers are having panic attacks over this finding.

Is this a peer-reviewed science article?


Global warming [is] over in Central Asia, cooler period ahead

