> Global warming shocking facts?

Global warming shocking facts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1) Warmists are so hard up for bad things they can use http://ibis.grdl.noaa.gov/SAT/SeaLevelRi...

to justify their drastic policies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Proto...

that they sometimes create catastrophes http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/colum...

to blame on global warming. http://newsweekly.com.au/article.php?id=...

2) The main Warmist policy http://globalchange.mit.edu/files/docume...

to combat global warming is politically unpopular, http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_D...

environmentally worse than anything that global warming could possibly have caused, http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505263_162-5...

and uneconomical. http://news.yahoo.com/flooding-complicat...

3) The practice of making alarmist predictions (3) has so consistently embarrassed the Warmists, (3b) that this unhelpful practice has turned many to the skeptic camp. (3a)

4) If you want to talk about greenhouse forcing, the forcing from halocarbons alone (4) could account for all of the recent warming. (4a)


Day by day our climate getting change due to this so many problems are occurring.

You started something towards it,it is very nice.keep going.

You are looking for a bigger bogeyman or a hobgoblin to frighten the easily deluded to give you control of them. I must commend your open honesty on that score at least.The problem is these creatures breed at the north pole and are being killed off by the extreme cold and surplus of polar bears. If you get desperate the IPCC may be able to lend you some of theirs but you will find they are mostly old worn out creatures that don't frighten people any more. Good luck with the project.

Shocking fact:

1)There is no global warming.

2)The climate has always been changing.

3)Poor people are suffering more because of greenie policies.

DaveH: The 'Halo Carbon paper' you are speaking about is not a scientific peer reviewed journal article. It is on the arxiv website. It is a preprint and, I do not believe, has been accepted by anyone. A search on Google Scholar only return the above link as well.

NW Jack.

Thank you for that halocarbon paper. I hadn't seen it before.

Thank you Jeff. Noted.

you want shocking ? atmospheric CO2 have hit 400 ppm . this is the point of no return , the tipping point after which the earth goes into a slow irreversible , permanent , greenhouse effect . by 2018 , after 5 years of worldwide crop failures , food will be made from people ( shades of soylent green ) , by 2023 the seas will have boiled off into space and humanity turns to dust . money won't help , the secret government bunkers won't help , the deniers die too .

I'm writing a paper on why we need to start preventing climate change/global warming. My 3 main points are that if we do nothing then there will be human suffering, there will be animal suffering, and if we do things to help environment, it could actually help the economy. I need an interesting quote to start off my paper. Like an shocking fact about global warming. Thanks