> Should Canada enlist Israel's support in its fight for Keystone XL?

Should Canada enlist Israel's support in its fight for Keystone XL?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To reject Keystone would be to leave the US dependent on OPEC oil and vulnerable to blackmail by those who want to wipe Israel off the map.

Looks like it is a fight by 70% of Americans, Canada and you added Israel against China, OPEC, Obama and the wackos. It is sad that it is even an issue.

OPEC has less clout than AIPAC. I doubt whether most Israelis give a frack about Keystone.

I am somewhat puzzled by your apparent support for Keystone, however. I thought you favored non-carbon energy, particularly nuclear. If Canadian tar and shale energy developers had to pay the cost of the centuries-long damage their product inflicts on the global economy, Keystone would not be an issue. We might well instead be talking about Canadian plans to flood the U.S. electricity market with geothermal, hydro, wind, and nuclear power.

ditto on the nonsense, yes OPEC has control over oil prices, yes there are people who would like to see Israel wiped off the map, yes the developed world is dependent on fossil fuel energy, but I fail to see the conspiracy your implying in this question.


I take it by Israel you are actually referring to occupied Palestine.

To reject Keystone would be to leave the US dependent on OPEC oil and vulnerable to blackmail by those who want to wipe Israel off the map.