> List at least three activities you perform that contribute to global warming by producing greenhouse gases.?

List at least three activities you perform that contribute to global warming by producing greenhouse gases.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well I don't drive and the energy my area produces comes mostly from hydroelectric power, 95% to be exact. I also do not take the bus. I take electric powered mass transit where there power is generated by renewable resources. That being said, there is always some kind of CO2 produced from various items around the household. I'm not exactly sure how items that produce CO2 that I use on a daily basis, in my situation, would rank. After looking at this link I see that heating is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases in my region.



Eating a twinky: The twinky is made from material that is harvested and mined. That material requires clearing forests for farms and mining. Which requires machines to obtain which use fossil fuels andp rouce green house gasses. Thos emachiens go through the same bloody prcoess of manufacturing. The material is shipped which requires what? Fuel and vehicles. Which creates what? Green House Gasses. The twinky is then created in the factory which requires once again fuel, machines and so on. It is then shipped which requires vehicles and fuel which creates Green Houses gases. I then purchase it with cash which is made from material that is harvested and mined. I then toss the wrapper and it is burned which creates green house.... gasses.

Eating vegies. Yes I know vegitables create Oxygn which counters Green House Gasses but allow me to explain. Those vegies are grown on farms which chopped down forests to make room for the crops. What creates mor constant Oxygn? Trees or lettace. I rest my case. The shipping and proccess procedure also requires factories, vehicles and money. Dun, dun, dun. Green House Gasses.

Washing Dishes: Do I really need to explain again how the material needed for dishwashing soap comes from chemical factories and how it is shipped and what not? I think I've established at this point just about everything you do contributes to green house gasses.

Is this a grade school science class question?

First of all, it must be scientifically established that man can 'contribute to global warming by producing greenhouse gasses'. That hasn't been accomplished yet, although billions of dollars have been spent attempting to prove that fact.

For example, it has been claimed that man by doing any action that produces CO2 will result in an increase in Earth's temperature. Well, earth's temperature has declined during the last decade and yet The CO2 level has increased. So, scientifically that disproves the 'greenhouse gas' theory.

So in direct answer to your question.




This is a trick question, humans do not contribute to "global warming" it's a natural process that's been happening off and on for millions of years. CO2 in no way shape or form causes the earth to warm period.

Being human.

We should all move to where Jeff lives.

Farting, going on Y!A and eating.