> How lame is this 'Global Warming' section when the proponents of GW can only come up with 'You lie' with

How lame is this 'Global Warming' section when the proponents of GW can only come up with 'You lie' with

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global Warming went out of fashion when the Hide The Decline Emails turned up and the planet hasn't actually gotten any hotter both right about the Turn of the Century.

Just look at Chem flunky. Nothing but propaganda. The only portion of any of those links actually proves that there is no unnatural GW. She doesn't address the question directly, as she should according to Y!A community guidelines, and which really is another way of saying, "You lie."

It is much like saying that a person doesn't know how to speak Spanish. The the person responds, "I do too! 'Bueno!' See, I can speak Spanish." Just saying one or two random words does not make one 'able to speak' that language.

Then there is Baccy Baby. He is a proven liar on this site. Here is where I proved beyond doubt that he is a liar and my correspondence with it:

Baccy BABY! You of all people. You have been caught in one of the biggest lies of all time.


the following is from a claim and answer from that question. We were referring to The GW Swindle. You claimed than not one of those scientists believed what they said. Yet I showed you that they were part of the 31,000 who signed affidavits saying that they believed such. It follows:

I’ll give you at least three that shows you are not only a fool but lack any moral compass. These were taken out of petitionproject.org, and are some of the scientists listed by Maxx. They are part of the 31,000 scientists who have signed a document stating that what you assert to is not true. They have put it in writing. It is not even open to conjecture. Notice, I copied and pasted the portion of the alphabetical order that is germane to the issue, so there can be no question.

Professor Patrick Michaels - Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia = Edwin Daryl Michael, PhD, Harvey D. Michael, Patrick J. Michael, PhD, Robert C. Michael, William E. Michael, Wayne Michaelchuck,

Professor Tim Patterson = Robert W. Patterson, Sharon Patterson, Timothy A. Patterson, Wayne R. Patterson, PhD,

Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of

Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, Arctic paleoclimatologist = Hugh Kidder Clark, PhD, Ian Clark, Ivan L. Clark, J. Donald Clark, James William Clark, James W. Clark, James M Clark, James G. Clark, PhD, James B. Clark, PhD, John Alden Clark, PhD, John B. Clark, John C. Clark, John R.

So Baccy Baby, once again your own words have proven you to be a liar, a scoundrel, a cheat, and one not fit to answer on this site.

So Baccy Baby: You, with a proven track record on lack of moral compass, have the audacity come on this site and point fingers and falsely accuse someone over what seems to be a minor disagreement in perspective..

You made a statement. I took the time out of my life to PROVE you wrong. Yet it affects you not. You didn't even have the courtesy to admit you were wrong. That is an utter disgusting action that only a disgusting individual would do. Not only that a vile person would continue those practices.

Now you see that when I call someone a liar I can back it up. Now if that person who lied was an honest human the he or she would crawl back in the hole from wench they came, or at least apologize.. Only a subhuman would continue as though they did nothing wrong.

So your question is a good one. In fact one which I posed a while back and it was vaporized. Notice that most of the miscreants are afraid of this question. They rightly so are scurrying for a dark place to hide.

I can't blame them.

Oh no, they repeat meaningless details like the warmest years no record happened in the last 16 years.

Ignoring that there is no big warming trend there is apparently irrelevant.

How lame can you get creating multiple accounts and repeating questions,

so far dozens of accounts created in past week:

Caroline level 1: Started: One Week ago

















Pretty bad, I had a nice run-in with pegminer. After years of pegminer accusing me of lying and then having the audacity to say he never accused me of lying, he finally shwed me wrong about ONE THING (wrong, not lying). When I say he showed me wrong, I do not mean he gave me references. NOOO He simply said I was wrong, expected me to agree with him based upon his word and gloated and insulted.

I had to research and find the error. AND I even admitted the error. And was it about anything that really affects my stance on AGW, ..., not in the slightest.

Does this mean I haven't shown him wrong multiple times? Not in the slightest. When I do, he simply hemhaws insults and accuses of lying. THEN weirdest of all things, pretends he didn't even accuse me of lying.

This is a climate scientist acting this way. Does not really inspire faith in climate science.

There have been many science-based answers here for people who seek scientific information.

It is important to point out when people are lying here so that readers can just the quality of information they are getting.


Sagebrush, my accurate claim is that the is not one single statement from a climate scientists in GWS that they continue to stand by and supports Maxx' unsupportable claim that they do not believe in global warming

You are admitting that you have watched the video and cannot find that one single statement.

The lie is yours and the video is physical proof.

I can come up with a lot more than that.

Here, have some sources.







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

flooding the forum with repeat questions is very lame.