> What is industrialisation and how does it affects global warming?

What is industrialisation and how does it affects global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
About industrialisation in south africa

The Industrial revolution began after coal was discovered and was used to power the machines, locomotives anything that was producing power and running on coal was the beginning. Machines started running on the power that coal produced, and energy for lights and suddenly the world was finding a way out of the dark. The sulfur dioxide content is released into the air and it is pretty much trapped by the ozone layer, the continual warming of the ozone layer and then the suns rays wam the earth the earth emits infra red light, that light cannot pass thru the ozone so it stays within the eath atmosphere and continues to heat our planet, like a Green House, So goes the term Green house effect.


The term industrialisation simply means that a country (or town, city etc) is becoming more industrial; usually this means a transition to the large scale manufacture of goods and away from small scale and rural activities.


Global warming is the term that’s usually used when talking about the effect that human activity has had on our atmosphere. Certain gases retain heat in the atmosphere (the greenhouse gases), much of them are natural and ensure we have a planet that’s warm enough to live on. The problem is that we produce a lot of these gases when we burn fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas), from manufacturing, agriculture, mining etc. Today there are more of these gases in the atmosphere than there has been for millions of years and they’re trapping more heat and warming the planet. The major manmade greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.


By far the largest contribution to global warming that South Africa makes is a result of its energy production. Almost all of South Africa’s electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels (93%), despite being in one of the best parts of the world to harness solar energy. In total just under two thirds (63%) of all the country’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are a result of power generation.

South Africa has CO2 emissions of about 9.0 tonnes per person, this is about 1? times the global average.

Power generation aside, the second largest contributor to global warming is the manufacturing and industry sector; they produce 21% of the total CO2 emissions (transport accounts for 13% and everything else for 3%).

In recent years the country has progressed with development and has seen it’s manufacturing sector expand. As it does so more and more people are working to produce goods and provide services with less people working in farming and traditional industries. This industrialisation is increasing the demand for energy and the raw materials needed to make the goods.

South Africa has signed up to the Kyoto Protocol, this is an agreement between almost every country in the world to take steps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. South Africa has had some success in this. Despite a growing economy, and growing industrial sector, the country has managed to peg emissions levels at a steady rate for the last 15 years.

Industrialisation is up world wide. However, the temperature of the Earth has declined for the last decade plus. So scientifically we can see that industrialization has no impact on Global Warming.

Less than what environmentalists would like you to believe. The reason why it would be less than what environmentalists would like you to believe is not the reason why global warming deniers would want you to believe.

Industrialization does need energy, but fossil fuels are not the only source of energy. Other sources include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear, tidal and non-food derived biofuels.

Ignore Maxx' debunked videos.


There is no man-made Global Warming --- climate is controlled by the Sun, not human activity.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

By causing it.

About industrialisation in south africa