> Global warming do you trust what we are told?

Global warming do you trust what we are told?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I don't

We're being called anti-science 'denailists' because we aren't going to accept their revision of history as fact. historic revisions such as the elimination of the medieval warm period and the little ice age. That is rich.

Big Oil gave more money to AGW cultists and statists who vote democrat than they ever did to any group that dissents from AGW theory. Every time some AGW cultist claims otherwise just proves how ignorant they are.

Depends on who it is. If is a hack lost his job as a small town weatherman, and then was fired by his neighbors from his school board so makes a fake blog for money, no I don't believe him.

It is all about credibility. Mostly I look the the worlds great science academies to help me understand what researchers are learning. I also look at some current research and if it is intriguing enough I'll try to research credible reaction to it, and try to understand how it fits in and whether it conflicts with previous research. I would encourage you to also look to credible sources.

Global warming denial is not about science, it's about politics. ALL the 'scientists' who deny global warming just happen to work for, or be funded by, the oil companies, or their political wing the GOP (Grand Oil Party).

Years ago climatologists predicted that as the temperature of the atmosphere heated up there would be more and bigger weather events--hurricanes, tornadoes, even blizzards. This prediction has turned out to be true! The rise in sea level is coming along just as predicted.

Believe what you want. We have freedom of belief in our culture. 8^) BUT if you are using evidence to prove one thing or the other, you disprove global climate change only through ignoring the preponderance of evidence that points the other way.

Only an alarmist would be that gullible.

Smartypants, the number of hurricanes is down. I guess you have been asleep since Katrina.


Don't trust it is it comes from WUWT or any other denier blog which is where you get most of your worthless info

And you post a wattsup link. Do you believe watt you are told by wattsup. How about checking with the source as to why temperatures are adjusted.



I don't