> Is Climate Change Man's greatest threat?

Is Climate Change Man's greatest threat?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Government-run Climate Science arrogance is the biggest threat. The Earth always will (and always has) balanced its own temperature.

"Dominion" is the key word here and we all have it in us to achieve it. "Government-run Dominion" is only achieving more Elitism to the people in charge of it. This includes "financial elites".

How much has really changed from the most recent forest fires that seemed to be destroying the planet? How many square miles of forest were destroyed and what changes occurred in the climate?

0, zip, notta!

Government-run Climate Science arrogance is the sole cause of people's inability to progress and achieve personal independence from these Global Elites. Dominion is all we have ever been able to achieve on this Planet. Right now it is all about the "power over the people" and not the "positive guidance forward for all people".

I would say that the greatest threat to man, at the moment, is the Fukushima reactors. Until the fuel rods are removed and placed in permanent storage, we are at risk across the planet.

As far as the hockyschtick opinion piece is concerned, a world wide pandemic is a possibility. Doctors have over prescribed antibiotics and patients that have taken them do not take all of them. They will quit taking them when they get to feeling better thinking that they can save them for later use in case they get sick again. Both of these practices will help lead to resistant strains of viruses. Viruses themselves can mutate within a short period of time and what was once a virus that did not infect humans could begin to infect humans. We have large cities and fast means of travel now that would help spread such a strain around the world and infect a very large segment of mankind. But, as with our changing climate, there will very likely be members of the human race that will survive. There will be fewer of us either way. So why do I not consider a resistant strain of virus the bigger threat to mankind than climate change? Simple, such a virus is not likely to lead to the extinctions of many other species as well. Climate change is and will continue to lead to the extinction of many species. This fact alone puts the human population at serious risk. With or without a world wide pandemic.

Kano, thank you. You are correct that I meant to say bacteria when discussing antibiotics. .... It was a bug in my wording. :)

>> Meanwhile, it appears that future yearly deaths from antibiotic-resistant infection will start at the 23,000 figure cited by the CDC and grow from there.<<

And the CDC also says that:

“from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people.”


And the CDC also says:

Potential Climate Change Health Effects

? Heat-Related Morbidity and Mortality

? Asthma, Respiratory Allergies, and Airway Diseases

? Vectorborne and Zoonotic Diseases

? Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

? Weather-Related Morbidity and Mortality

? Foodborne Diseases and Nutrition

? Waterborne Diseases

? Human Developmental Effects

? Mental Health and Stress-Related Disorders

? Neurological Diseases and Disorders

? Cancer


Nah. A big asteroid hit is our greatest threat ... but Bruce Willis will save us, Aerosmith will play their songs in NASA, Liv Tyler will shed a few tears, and Ben Affleck will tell another man that he loves them.

In terms of the $Trillions of dollars being sucked worldwide from hard-working taxpayers to provide welfare.....uh...I mean research grants for biased research conducted by "experts" who are dependant on such funds to avoid having to teach grade-school science......Yes....."Climate Change" is the greatest threat to the Working Man/Woman.

No, man is mans greatest threat.

Are you kidding? I am more afraid of our governments and ObamaCare.

Yes it is and linking to a denier blog doesn't change that

No, it's politicians brainwashing you to think it's a treat so they can tax you for it..
