> Is there any way to add colour to carbon dioxide to make it visible?

Is there any way to add colour to carbon dioxide to make it visible?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
so we can see how much of it we are producing and from where?

No; the only way to "see" it would be by using an infrared (IR) camera, filtered to allow only the wavelengths emitted by CO2 to enter.

Using such a set up, CO2 would be visible. Other objects would also be visible, brighter or darker, depending on the amount of IR at those wavelengths they were emitting, but ONLY if they were very close to the camera.

With increasing distance from the camera, the IR from any object would be progressively absorbed, until, after a few metres, it would be virtually invisible. To put it another way, you would soon reach a distance where almost all of the radiation from the direction of an object came from the CO2 between the object and camera, rather than the object itself.

It's difficult to visualise, but imagine you were looking at things in a snowstorm, or in very dense fog. You could see things clearly close up, but as you move away, you see less of them and more of the snow or fog. Eventually, contrast is reduced to the point where you see nothing except the snow or fog.

That's what CO2 would look like if we could see it.

No, but stop and think. all non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness by nature in protecting the earth's environment. I proved this to 350, million web sites/ people in 2008. Nature wont allow any non-solids to rise any higher than 70 feet. Nature protects a clearance between the sun and earths ground level by separating all gases, exhausts, co2, smoke, etc. Watch the news /forest fires and watch the helicopters come down to drop their water on the fires, but stop and think Where's the Smoke. Also Global Warming was turned Off last year in 2012. Mike / Global Command

No. but we have ways of detecting it, and if it we could color it, it would affect the transmission of sunlight and so add another way of changing our climate.

Please do not be worried about CO2, CO2 is a greenhouse gas yes, and our Earth would be colder if our atmosphere did not have any Yes (we would be dead though) what you are not told though, is that the warming effect of CO2 is strongest at very small amounts, and as the amounts get bigger and bigger the warming gets smaller and smaller, at at the 400ppm we have there is very little warming left that CO2 can do.

But CO2 can do lots for our plants, with more CO2 they grow faster and stronger, they need less water, and can resist stress like droughts or insect attacks, much better.

CO2 is greening our planet. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/03/24/th...

No, but you can visually simulate the amount of CO2 in the air by using water and ink.

No, but we can detect greenhouse gases with infrared photography.


Sure then add more pollutants to the atmosphere.

I don't know

so we can see how much of it we are producing and from where?