> Opposing viewpoints on global warming?

Opposing viewpoints on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What are the contrasting views and who has these views?

There is the mainstream consensus, the viewpoints of almost all those who study climate.


The most sensible of the dissidence does not claim that the majority is "wrong" or evilly controlling, but rather frets that the extremes are accepted with too much confidence. Judith Curry and John Christy are the most prominent of the "let's keep searching" crowd. These are both educated climatologists who are outside of the majority and ongoing contributors.

Here is a very recent interview with Christy. Be sure you understand the mainstream view -- Christy is an outlier. Then be sure you understand Christy; he is a thoughtful skeptic.


In one corner, (the liberal corner?) wearing the blue trunks, we have:

Universities, and most scientists, including all of the relevant national science academies which think that CO2 driven global warming is a problem.

In the other corner, (the conservative corner?) wearing the red trunks, we have:

The Koch brothers, the energy industry, foxnews, Rush Limburger, and the parrots that listen to them.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."



Global Warming will pose a threat for our generation and the few next to come with all the climate anomalies that it brings such as droughts or stronger hurricanes.

1) Global Warming is mainly hysteria from the media.

2) Global Warming is not a serious problem at all.

3) Global Warming will be beneficial.

4) Global Warming is a serious threat caused by human activity.

I assume you mean the view that global warming is not occurring. Well it is occurring BUT it is not nearly as bad as claimed.

Fact is that we are constantly bombarded with crap science. For example, tell me if I am lying with the following?

Have you heard that global warming will cause more tornadoes?



No increase.

Have you heard that global warming will cause more hurricanes?


No increase.

Have you heard that global warming will kill the crops?



Have you heard that global warming causes floods and droughts?


No increase.

Sure we should limit our CO2 output, but the world is not ending, the problem is not the nightmare scenario that it has been made out to be.

There are simple ways for you and the US in general to limit our CO2 output.

For you: Reuse, reduce what you use and recycle. Not only is it better for the environment in general, but it save you money. Another money saving tip. In about 5 years solar power is going to be inexpensive enough that you will make you money back on solar panels in 5-8 years. So put solar panels on your house and save yourself some money.

For the US: Move to nuclear power. Our navy runs its ships off of nuclear power and have had no problem. That's how safe it is. You hear about coalmining accidents all of the time and power plant accidents. We had three-mile island. Guess what? No one died because of 3-mile island. 0 deaths in the US from nuclear. That's hwo safe it is. The very same environmentalists who tell us they care, have been spreading lies about nuclear and causing everyone to be afraid.

This is why the environmentalists have to lie to you and scare you into thinking the world is going to end. Their plans involve increasing the cost of energy by more than 20%. Literally giving your money to the filthy rich. And its not just your energy bill that increases. Everything uses energy, so your groceries increase as does everything you purchase. Their plans will literally tank our economy and the only way to get those plans through is scare you with lies. Imagine your boss decreasing your pay by 20%.

When I was a kid, the environmentalists told us not to use paper bags and to move to plastic bags, because they were better for the environment. They thought killing trees was bad. Trees are a renewable resource and far better than plastic, besides the fact that they are biodegradable.

You see, being for the environment is a great thing. But doing so with false information can be even worse for the environment than doing nothing. If you feel they are trying to scare you with end of the world scenarios, then that should send alarm bells off that they are not being truthful with you. And if they need to resort to lies to convince you to do something, likely what they are trying to convince you to do is not good.

Some people believe everything they see on tv without thinking and some people do critical thinking instead of believing everything are told, basically.

What are the contrasting views and who has these views?