> Were there SUVs 2-400 thousand years ago?

Were there SUVs 2-400 thousand years ago?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If not, why do denialists talk as if ice core samples have anything to do with with the current rise in carbon dioxide levels?

But, but, it was warmer when dinosaurs were around.

We surely don't want it to get colder ...... like:


The only way you can show that something is happening now that was not happening in the past is to get data from both time periods and compare them. To me that seems self-evident to the point of being bleedin' obvious. HH Lamb set up the Climatic Research Unit in UEA to try and discover what happened in the past so that comparisons could be made.

The warmies, on the other hand, prefer to ignore the past and just claim that it is different now. Who needs any evidence? That will just confuse things. They just expect you to believe, Trust us, we are scientists.

If CO2 lagged temperature in the past then whatever bit of science caused that to happen is presumably still happening? Note, for the logically challenged, this does not prove that something else is not happening as well.

If that lagging effect has stopped, what stopped it and when did it happen? Enquiring minds need to know. If it is still happening, has the effect been accounted for in the current climate science and the models? I strongly suspect the answer is: No.

We are just taking your bogus logic and explaining why it is bogus. Al Gore even used a lot of the ice core when he gave his, as we now know it, bogus chart. The closer and longer you look the more bogus the greenie explanation is proven. If you could prove that there was CO2 induced Global Warming 400 thousand years ago, I'm sure Al Gore would go along with there being SUVs back then.

Good point. Let's look for some good answers. And maybe an explanation for why CO2 is still going up, but the temps have been stable for 17 years.

If not, why do denialists talk as if ice core samples have anything to do with with the current rise in carbon dioxide levels?