> Does Al Gore have anything to do with global warming?

Does Al Gore have anything to do with global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In a previous question about Al Gore and his hypocritical sale of his TV channel to an oil kingdom, someone asked 'what does this have to do with global warming?'

According to John Kerry at COP 20 in Lima, Gore is "The leader with all of us on this issue(global warming) but the first among equals"

See the 2nd paragraph in the link below for context of the quote.


Contrary to what the rabid warmers on this site claim, Al Gore is definitely still Mr. global warming & apparently an object of hero worship to top U.S. government officials.

Al Gore has make MILLIONS off the Global Warming scam.

Yes and no.

He did bring global warming into public focus in a way that had not been true before.

It is unfortunate that he always assumed the worst case, which gave global warming deniers the opportunity to criticize.

Now, nearly 10 years later, AGW deniers still bring his name up -- because they really don't have much else.

He sells useless Carbon Credits

Of course - Like most big businesses, they are trying to get as much money as they can from the government. They know the free market wouldn't invest in their crazy ideas by putting their own money at risk, so they con the government to give them other people's money instead. Face it, so-called "global warming" is nothing more than a scheme dreamed up by big business as a way to increase their profits.

He is a politician, and politicians are well versed in how to mislead, avoid the truth and other nefarious tactics, we should've never have listened to him in the first place.

Yes! His death started a long chain of events that lead to it SPEEDING UP!!!!

no. consider the source.

In a previous question about Al Gore and his hypocritical sale of his TV channel to an oil kingdom, someone asked 'what does this have to do with global warming?'