> Is God playing with you greenies? Is he laughing at you?

Is God playing with you greenies? Is he laughing at you?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I think the 'Gore Effect' is proof that God has a sense of humor.

It seems almost every time Al Gore shows up anywhere to make another one of his man-made Global Warming propaganda speeches --- the weather is unusually cold.

Poor Al, his lies will catch up with him someday.


Climate Realist - try not to forget that climate is the AVERAGE of weather. Al Gore's 'climate' has been pretty cold.


Climate Realist - try using a non-Alarmist data set and you get this:

Signal to noise ratio.



Global warming is climate. "It's cold today", or even "This area had an unusually cold season", is weather. Learn the difference...

There's a lovely analogy here: http://www.climatecentral.org/blogs/scie... about a man walking a dog on a long leash.

In other words, no. It's natural variation. Considering we've only really had good records for the last hundred-odd years, I'd still expect to see occasional "coldest X on record". The thing is, you'll see a lot *more* "hottest X on record" (at least, if you look honestly), and if we're breaking more "hot" records than "cold" ones, guess what that means the overall trend is?

Also, you might look at the video right *below* your article. The one about freakishly high ocean temperatures. You know, the ocean that covers ~70% of the planet?


I laugh at him, stuck 2 fingers up to the sky and invite him down for a reasoned debate.

But he never takes up my offer.....

@pegminer (edit and@Alph): "California is having its hottest year ever, and one of our worst droughts--and you wonder why we're concerned about global warming "

Really? Why don't you look over this chart of US temperatures for the year to date and see if California's warmth cancels out the rest of the US cooling: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/national/2...

Or you could look at the Palmer Index for the US. Looks pretty normal to me: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/s...

Your concern appears to be cherry-picked re: California. Perhaps you should stick to the "missing heat" in the deep oceans. That's about all anyone "concerned about global warming" has going for them data-wise.

As far as this question, it's not God laughing at greenies (IMHO) it's Mother Nature. They think they have her figured out. That's the real laugh.


Edit@pegminer: "Oops, now you see that every climate division in California is in extreme drought, and much of the west is in moderate to extreme drought."

Let's cut to the chase and examine the science with regard to drought on a global scale and for long term trends which is what climate is about and not one particular location on the Earth during one particular year which is weather:

“In summary, the current assessment concludes that there is not enough evidence at present to suggest more than low confidence in a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century due to lack of direct observations, geographical inconsistencies in the trends, and dependencies of inferred trends on the index choice. Based on updated studies, AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in drought since the 1970s were probably overstated. However, it is likely that the frequency and intensity of drought has increased in the Mediterranean and West Africa and decreased in central North America and north-west Australia since 1950” IPCC AR5

"The report identified some areas where droughts have become longer and more intense (including southern Europe and West Africa), but others where droughts have become less frequent, less intense, or shorter." IPCC SREX

Do you delude yourself too, or do you realize how dishonest you are?

I have direct this question back on yourself. That's twice now you've pointed to US drought this year. You know the difference between climate and weather and the difference between regional and global trends.

California is having its hottest year ever, and one of our worst droughts--and you wonder why we're concerned about global warming


EDIT for the DENIER Ottawa Mike: I just love how you accuse me of cherry-picking, when the question itself is BASED on cherry-picking. Did it ever cross your mind to complain to Sagebrush about his question? Why of course not, that's why you're a denier and not a skeptic.

By the way, globally January through June has been the 3rd warmest ever on record, BRRRRR!

I see that you ALSO chose a Palmer Index that is not cumulative--how very clever of you. Now how about one that REALLY shows the state of drought in California and the rest of the country:


Oops, now you see that every climate division in California is in extreme drought, and much of the west is in moderate to extreme drought.

Do you delude yourself too, or do you realize how dishonest you are?

He is busy making sure that anti-science liars and hypocrites helping create hell on earth will end up experiencing the full monty in the afterlife. Where does the bible say, "Thou shalt hate science"?

Stop wasting our time. You know that is just USA weather, not the Globe.

He is laughing at you denialists.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."(Galatians 6:7)

Regarding your link;

When are you denialists going to learn the difference between weather and climate and between the US and global.

Madd Maxx

In response to your question to which you want no real answers because you know that you have lost the argument;

Could you explain to me why this is skyrocketing?


And this isn't skyrocketing?


I thought so.

Nevertheless, the slight increase of Antarctic sea is is because meltwater from melting land ice is deleating the sea water, causing it to freeze at a higher temperature.

< try using a non-Alarmist data set and you get this:>

Even with your "non-alarmist" data set, you still need to cherry pick the data to get the results denialists want. I can cherry pick too.








But, using an honest time frame, RSS shows warming


Note, that I didn't use an ad hom against RSS, unlike when you call HadCRUT4, GISS, or climate skeptic Roy Spencer's UAH data set "alarmist."


<@pegminer (edit and@Alph): "California is having its hottest year ever, and one of our worst droughts--and you wonder why we're concerned about global warming "

So denialists like you and Sagebrush are allowed to use US temperatures for one year as anecdotal evidence, as if it cancels out the rest of Earth warming for 40 years, but "warmers" are not allowed to use California as anecdotal evidence.

Actually, that makes sense. "Warmers" use averages and trends, not anecdotes, which denialists do use.

not in California. Try again
