> Historically, have solar power plants killed more birds than coal fired power plants killed people?

Historically, have solar power plants killed more birds than coal fired power plants killed people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And, frankly, I'd rather have power plants that kill 100 birds than ones that kill one person. Even if, somehow, solar plants are more lethal to birds than coal plants are (which I suspect is unlikely, birds are probably as likely to be harmed by pollution as humans are, if not moreso), I'd still pick solar over coal.

Well I could accept some bird deaths (although I wouldn't like it) if solar plants were any good at producing electricity, but they are not they are the most expensive (after offshore wind) form of generation and never produce anywhere near their design parameters.

I dont see that coal fired power plants cause any deaths at all.

Likely you were given acetaminophen as a child. This is a better reason for your asthma then some coal fired power plant. But then again, you don't miss a chance to blame things you don't like instead of blaming things that have a scientific basis. Clearly you're a pick and choose "scientist"

I dont think solar has been around nearly long enough to cause the kind of damage coal has. In total deaths coal has a mile long advantage.

it helps to go to a source to back up claims.


that being said, producing the panels can be hazardous, albeit not as dangerous as a coal plant


Alph's first link is http://www.fws.gov/birds/mortality-fact-...

Inspired, as usual, by jello's, "Does solar energy do more damage to the environment than it helps?"

I had a pretty serious case of asthma as a kid, and missed a fair bit of school.

It is better today, but around the world, I'd venture to guess that coal plants are still pretty lethal.

Rather than get rid of solar plants, wouldn't it, just from a health standpoint, make more sense to get rid of coal fired power plants?