> Need some geography help (climate change)?

Need some geography help (climate change)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You could read this : http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report... and look at the references

Alternatively , just remain an obvious , tedious troll

"I need to find some scientists who believe that climate change has been enhanced by humans. I'm having trouble finding some."

Given that most scientists support AGW as a theory and that there is no scientific group that disputes AGW it is not at all difficult to find scientists.

Groups like the AGU (American Geophysical Union) have 10's of thousands of members.

The rather lame duck game kano is trying to play is that a few scientists are fooling all the rest, all such clams prove is that deniers don't know the first thing about science, scientists don't just read someones paper and go "that's right" they check the data, the math and conduct their own experiments look at related fields that offer supporting evidence from different sources. All that has been done and there are multiple fields doing just that from marine science, glaciology, meteorology, geology, paleoclimate and climate scientists themselves. That's many many thousands of scientists doing research going back now a couple of generations.

Where you might have trouble is if you are looking for a denier scientist, there are few of them, and if you look at the blogs that reference them you will soon start to see the same dozen or so names repeat with a measure of mad English lords, radio weather presenters and 2nd rate political hacks like Marc Morano. All multi-quoting in an endless stream of blogs, which I think even they have lost count of, to try and pad their numbers.

But try contacting any scientific or university source and you will get what (you seem) to want.

You could also try looking at scientific journals there are thousands of papers on AGW each with 2-5 or 6 authors deniers have managed a handful and these usually leave out the more absurd theories deniers try to use.

The science and the scientists are quite solid


So solid in fact, that deniers are reduced to trying to invent a multitude of ridiculous and frankly conflicting conspiracies, at the moment I think it Al Gore's fault on Tuesdays and Fridays, the Rockefeller's on Mondays, Governments on Wednesdays, Greens on Thursday, the Club of Rome on Saturday and of course the communists on Sunday (as they don't have to go to church)

The way your questions is asked: it can not be answered.

Scientist do not "belief", they work with the scientific method:

Make an observation (e.g. increase in surface temperature of the earth)

Develop theories/a model which is able to explain it (e.g. by measuring green house gases)

Come up with a model which and make predictions based on the model.

Test your model (e.g. by additional measurement, develop a computer model with variables).

Test your predictions and measure the deviation between forecasted results and measured results.

If the results comply in a very narrow range: the model of explanation (theory) is considered valid (until proven wrong)

If not: go back and fine tune the model or come up with a different model.

A scientist does not "believe", he has models and theories which comply or do not comply with results.

The worldwide team for climate change is the "Intergovernment Pannel on Climate Change" (IPCC) of the United Nations.

They collect data and create models for the development of the climate and based on the results they publish reports and give policy advise. There are thousands of scientist of hundreds of Universities and institutes involved. They do not publish one oppinion but what based on scientific methods the actual "state of knowledge and discussion" is.

The last report is from 2007 and the next is expected for 2014.

According to the state of knowledge and the models they have their is strong evidence that during the last 200 years their is a clear increase in surface temperature which is beyond the longterm fluctuation and the expected development. There is also strong evidence of the increase of green house gases in the atmosphere. There is a strong correlation between the increase in population, the use of fossile fuels (and therefore CO2 as a result of release into the atmosphere) as well as e.g. methane (from animals).

One conclusion is that the significant increase in human activity (increase in population, industrial activity, release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere) play a role in the observed increase in surface temperature and that has an effect in many different ways.

What it does show is that the biosystem of our planet does not have a feedback loop do deal with this additional greenhouse gases (e.g. increased uptake by plants for growth) or that they are not strong enough/fast enough to adopt.

If a scientist says: he "beliefs" he is not a scientist, he can make a personal statement about his personal opinion but that would have to be backed by data and models.

Einstein himself created the theory of relativity and all the predictions which can be made by the mathematics have been confirmed, but he himself believed and was convinced that this is not a final theory and model to describe "reality", he expected there will be an additional one (and in fact his theories and mathematical works for the universe on large scale but not on very small scale, Physicists know that they do not have the final answer yet.)

I am sure Mr. Antarctice has read all the reports and is up to date on the discussion about Climate Change (or he just watches Fox News: known for its scientific and objective reporting. Is this a News Chanel of a Comedy Channel ? I never know if I listen to them ....)

James Hansen, Michael E Mann, they are not very good scientists though

Any scientist who supports AGW is a hack.

Hey people :)

I need to find some scientists who believe that climate change has been enhanced by humans. I'm having trouble finding some. If you could please name a couple that would be amazing!!

Thank you :)