> Opinion on global warming?

Opinion on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It seems as if one disaster follows another like hurricane Sandy and now The Moore Oklahoma tornado. Is it global warming caused or natural occurance of events?

sagebrush --

>>Why would those farmers go to all the trouble to build those cellars if they weren't devastating tornadoes.<<

Show me where anyone has said that the predicted increase in extreme events: (1) are not supposed to occur where they are historically most frequent and (2) that they were unaware that tornadoes actually occur in "tornado alley."

>>CR: That is an old tired piece of garbage, which has been dis-proven time and time again on this site. Tell the questioner that this 'instrumental history' you refer to started in 1987.<<

It certainly has not been dis-proven here - so that much we know is a lie. Your suggestion that CR should lie just because you do is a little bizarre.

Let me get this straight ... we build universities and staff them with experts in particular fields, right? We provide these experts with funding to buy equipment and conduct research, right? These people take students and teach them for 3 or 4 years to a degree level and some of them go on and conduct research for 4 years to get a PhD, correct? So we allow highly specialised people to train people for years and years in highly specialised areas with highly specialised equipment and highly specialised analysis techniques? These people go off and use the equipment we provided for years and years, building up their experience and understanding of that highly specialised area?

These highly specialised people come back to us and say 'we think the planet's warming and humans are responsible' and then, the public turn around and say 'I think you're wrong even though I can't even explain how a barometer works'?

That's mind-numbingly stupid. Sure, let's go back to the Middle Ages and decide everything on the basis of mob-based 'trials' while we're at it ...

Are these disasters caused by global warming? Possibly, but we can't be sure.

Weather is not climate. Climate can kind of be considered to be a 30-year average of weather. A single dry year is a drought, a 30-year average of dry years is a desert. Similarly, a single hurricane is a storm, 30 years of unusually frequent or severe hurricanes is a climate shift.

One way to think of it is that it's like loading dice. If you have a pair of dice weighted to roll 6'es more often (but not every time), then you'll roll 12 more often than you roll 2, but you won't roll 12 every time, and you can roll 12 sometimes even with fair dice, and roll 2 sometimes even with the loaded dice.

And, if I understand correctly, scientists don't think that tornadoes have much to do with global warming, and... it's not clear what effect global warming will have on hurricanes.

Just go out to the Midwest. You will see many farms out there with ''storm cellars'. Many of these cellars were built before 1900. They were meant for protection from tornadoes. Why would those farmers go to all the trouble to build those cellars if they weren't devastating tornadoes. Read Laura Ingalls Wilder's 'Little House on the Prarie' series. Storm cellars are referred to several times.

Hurricane Sandy wasn't much of one. It was demoted to a tropical storm two minutes after it hit landfall.

History didn't begin yesterday. There were disasters long before Al Gore started promoting this hoax.

It is a hoax. It has been scientifically proven to be a hoax. The only reason it has any life is people like to believe the lies of Al Gore, who is getting rich, to the truth. Snake oil salesmen used to get rich with that same method.

Quote by Stephen Schneider, Stanford Univ., environmentalist: "That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have."

CR: That is an old tired piece of garbage, which has been dis-proven time and time again on this site. Tell the questioner that this 'instrumental history' you refer to started in 1987.

Young people are easy to propagandize because they have so little life experience.

The fact is, hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones are currently at some of the lowest occurrence levels ever.

But PLEASE don't take my word for it !!

Look at the data:

NOAA Graph from 1950 to 2012 - Strong to Violent Tornadoes


Study, PEER=REVIEWED !! Recent historically low global tropical cyclone activity


U.S. Major Hurricanes Graph


Get the facts on the climate scam!

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Strong to violent tornadoes have been on the decline for 40 years.

Longest spell since the Civil War without a major hurricane hitting the US.

There are so many of these things happening,tornados,earthquakes,etc,but they have happened always,of course they are natural events,ask the locals,it happens all the time.....global warming and global cooling are a natural event,and will always happen,whether humans are on the earth or not.Read your history,climate change goe's in cycles,nothing to do with humans,its the earth and the sun interacting over thousands/millions of years

"Longest spell since the Civil War without a major hurricane hitting the US"

REALLY? Does SANDY ring a bell?


it's too early to have definitive scientific proof, but my bet would be that you cannot alter climate without changing some weather events.

Instead of relying on what something seems to be, you should check some facts. What do these graphs imply to you?

Hurricanes: http://www.sott.net/image/image/s1/25246...

Strong tornadoes: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/i...

I'll give you something better than my opinion. I'll give you the facts. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


It seems as if one disaster follows another like hurricane Sandy and now The Moore Oklahoma tornado. Is it global warming caused or natural occurance of events?