> Why is greenhouse effect called so?

Why is greenhouse effect called so?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is called the greenhouse effect because people originally thought that greenhouses are warm for the same reason. Unfortunately that idea was shown to be wrong more than 100 years ago, but the name has stuck.

What's ironic is that greenhouses are NOT warm because of the greenhouse effect.

EDIT for Kano: I'm sorry, but you don't have enough influence in the world to change what the "greenhouse effect" refers to. Maybe if you were the Pope or Rupert Murdoch you could attempt that, but claiming that I am "wrong" is ridiculous. In fact I'd be willing to wager that you first learned the reason that greenhouses are warm from one of my answers.

Because Alarmists originally thought the Greenhouse Effect warmed the planet’s atmosphere the same way a greenhouse warms it’s internal air. That’s completely wrong and their current explanation for how it works is just as flawed.

The Warmist's explanation of the Greenhouse Effect is that solar radiation heats the ground and the ground re-radiates the heat as infrared. CO2 absorbs this frequency and "traps" the heat like a blanket.

There are lots of problems with the Warmist's explanation above. First, nothing "traps" heat --- heat can only be delayed.

Second, about 75% of the incoming radiation spectrum is ALREADY in the infrared range (before it hits the ground). So CO2 can saturate from either direction, not just from the ground radiation --- so the whole AGW theory is just nonsense at this point.

But it gets worse. CO2 only absorbs infrared in a very narrow range, the range for water vapor on the other hand is several times greater. And of course water vapor on average is far, far more prevalent in the atmosphere. So the impact of CO2 (a trace gas) is negligible. More than 95% of the Greenhouse Effect is from water vapor --- NOT CO2.

But it even gets worse than that. Oxygen and nitrogen, while they are NOT classified as greenhouse gases, because they don't absorb infrared, nevertheless do about 89% of the atmospheric warming. These non-greenhouse gases absorb high energy short wave radiation and the Earth would achieve about 255 kelvin of it's average 288 kelvin without ANY greenhouse gas in the atmosphere whatsoever.

This all means of course that the idea that CO2 drives, or has any significant impact on the Earth's overall temperature is ridiculous.


The term "greenhouse effect" is due to an error made by 19th century scientists, who were wrong, not about how Earth traps heat, but about how a greenhouse traps heat. They believed that the glass of the greenhouse trapped infra-red, but we now know that greenhouses prevent convection. But carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases do absorb infra-red coming from Earth's surface.

But ignore the nonsense by Madd Maxx.

Wrong. The Sun and Earth emit different parts of the EM spectrum. There is very little overlap.


Water vapor would be solid ice without carbon dioxide.

The visible, near IR and UV light causes the upper atmosphere to be extremely hot, as high as 2,000°C.


But almost all of this energy is re-radiated into space and has very little to do with Earth's surface temperature, as you can tell because you and I are not burning up under that kind of heat. And the 255K temperature is what Earth would be without any atmosphere, as well as it would with an atmosphere without greenhouse gases.

It is purely propaganda pr public relations. The term 'greenhouse gas' for instance is meant to stimulate fear or any other negative emotion. Gas is associated with death or dire consequences, like the gas chamber. A greenhouse is warmed by the Sun. Its light rays are small and can go through glass very easily. You can see through glass. However, the light rays then strike the earth and are converted into heat. Heat rays are longer and cannot pass through the glass and so the heat is trapped inside the greenhouse enclosure.

So the shady scientists adopted this term to fool the public. It has a nice smoooooth sound and it evokes fear. But scientifically, greenhouse effect in real life and the greenhouse scare of the environmentalists, who are affectionately referred to as 'greenies', have extremely little in common. It is merely a way of manipulating you with words rather than logic.

Green house effect is called Green House effect because in Green House,some plant are kept which require sufficient heat

so in green house some heat is trapped[sun radiations reflects back and is trapped]

so they get suitable temperature

same is happening on earth

due to green house gases[carbon dioxide,carbon monoxide,CFC],the heat is being trapped.These gases are increased eventually so more heat is trapped.

Making the Globe warm.

Yes it is wrong terminology, greenhouses only keep it warm through preventing convection, if you had a greenhouse made out of steel sheets it would still get pretty damn warm.

Pegminer is wrong greenhouses are warm because of the greenhouse effect (preventing convection) it is what is happening in the atmosphere that has the wrong name.

Edit for Pegminer.

No I learned about what keeps greenhouses warm thirty years ago, when I grew tomatoes and honeydew melons in my own small greenhouse.

this is called green house effect because means the environment of plant is destroyed by human being and its causing global warming. it also means ozone depletion in the atmosphere.the world was green but destroying of plant is called green house effect.

As true scientist Sagebrush points out here, because Al Svante Gore Arrhenius conspired with the Reptilians to organize a 120 year conspiracy involving most of the world's scientists, in order to add a few pennies to gasoline taxes in 2014 and thus achieve totalitarian world domination. Be very alarmed of any Greenies lurking about with their evil literacy and dangerous education, and don't let them find you hiding under your bed.

because the scientific term is too sciency for deniers

When we talk about artificial green house, the term 'green house' is Ok because green plants are kept inside it. But when we talk about natural green house effect as a whole, what is 'green' about it? Has it anything to do with the green frequency of light?