> Now that the price of gas is falling below $2/gal, should gas taxes be increased before people start buying more SUV&

Now that the price of gas is falling below $2/gal, should gas taxes be increased before people start buying more SUV&

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No they would want a stupid Carbon tax , It would not affect

the climate only in their wealth redistribution scheme .

This is what greenies want. The goal is to reduce the amount that people drive. Right now they are doing it with a mileage mandate. There are credits for companies to meet the goals in the short term, but they will just adjust these as they feel is appropriate.

Well gas is roughly $8 per gallon in Italy. So I guess that's your starting point.

This global warming they got going on will be the death of us all!

The Europeans have always paid high taxes on gasoline, and it hasn't hutr them.

So yes it could be a good idea, if the money raised was used on improving roads and infrastructure.

you still need roads and bridges that don,t break.

by all means, buy your suv. then complain when gas goes to $5

no we should have this


or this..all aboard


Some democrats are already starting to say that we need to raise gas prices before we get used to sub $2/gal prices because then it will be too late, the tipping point would be crossed. Do you agree with these democrats who want to raise gas taxes to prevent people from driving more and buying bigger, safer, and more comfortable cars for their families? How much do you think we should raise gas prices?